Squaring of the circle.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Epiphany #1

..Silly people who believe everything they read is true...

I told my sister, "You should tell everybody that you read somewhere 'only geniuses are able to pick their butts and their noses at the same time.'" As if to imply that doing so would confirm someone is a genius.
I laughed.
People much more readily doubt "truth" in the spoken words of other people than that of written ones. I guess in print opinon seems more tangible,concrete,and absolute. Still, if writing is just another means of communicating the exact same message, then shouldn't something,despite being written,logically be just as incredulous? Unless a writer admits in their writing that what they say in their print is just a reflection of their beliefs, people are inclined to assume otherwise.. Which,upon reflecting,helps me understand why miscommunications have occured and HOW they do with things like religion,the interpretation of laws,holy books,etc!

Reading leaves less room for mental processing because more energy is used in the process of translating and decoding than in listening(where we don't consciously focus on grammar and syntax,but on semantics and phonetics..
Phonetics we instinctively judge as being 'good' or 'bad',usually equating to 'rational' or 'irrational',we have more daily exposure to, we judge more quickly(heuristically) without the intention or knowledge that we are doing so..

In any case, we have more energy available to focus on identifying an underlying theme and defining for ourselves how its meaning applies to our collective understanding of life as we've known it as our individual selves. We're much less able to understand written words as being opinion,just as fact based and justified as the same spoken words,and judge them in the same context.. There's a kind of justification some people feel they are given when words are interpretted for them and indeed,there is,but that justification is nothing more than what another person proclaims that justification should be.. Because we haven't taken the time to know for ourselves, we settle on what they say is true.. the product of having no confidence in our abilities to know something else. We doubt our own truth,the one that is obvious to us,therefore we are misled.. We think truth is something we don't/can't yet know just because of our inability to communicate it. We can't not know truth.. truth is indifferent to the individual. Truth is obvious and what isn't obvious to all isn't an absolute,all-encompassing,truth. *Beliefs* must be taught,and my friends, for these reasons we have long been misled.. only because we didn't know we were being misled. Truth is what comes naturally, anything else is a lie.. so don't buy into it! Don't lose sight of the self,the truest truth any individual human can know!

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