So we all know cognitive functions are neural patterns we develop as their pathways are reinforced through use, but what do you suppose the typical cause of their development is? Do you believe n/s, s/n, t/f and f/t are inborn, or do you believe they are dependent highly on life experience? They say cognitive function order is supposed to be static, and generally this seems to be the case, but I have encountered exceptions. I would like to hear your perspectives on this.
Warning, complicated theory, but I really, really would appreciate commentary and feedback. If you guys could run this theory through your Ni and point out if or where it is unsound, even if you don't have the reason why, that would be appreciated, too:
I think when we are born, we already have a tendency towards one particular type of cognitive function, Nx, Sx, Tx, and Fx, and that's how we initially start making sense of the world. As we get older, we start to develop our second function, and unless we have a disability or it is repressed (like our first function), our environment either alters or represses our natural tendency. Our third function follows the pattern of Na/Sb, Sa/Nb, Fa/Tb, Ta/Tb, each a or b symbolizing introversion and/or extraversion, and our least preferred function is always determined by our most preferred (what comes most naturally). I think the reason Nx (general intuitive functions) types are most likely to have the lowest Sx (general sensing functions), is because our Nx is based upon the information we take in via Sx.
If we are Ni dominant, we take in information via Se, but we use very little Se to draw in a ton of information which we use to interpret the meaning of a situation. (If we are Ne dominant, we use our introverted sensing to externalize patterns we experience through sensation?)
I think this pattern may apply to all types, but I'm not sure. Like maybe Tx types are easily overwhelmed by Fx, Fx types are easily overwhelmed by Tx, and Sx types are easily overwhelmed by Nx, therefore we all naturally try to avoid our individualized forms over overstimulation. Introverts avoid external overstimulation, and Extraverts avoid internal overstimulation. I believe we each have varying threshold of what we can tolerate in respect to our weaknesses, and what we are overstimulated by is determined by more than just chance. I think that may be determined either by genetics (fundamentally), or the types of experiences our brains are exposed to while still the womb... and we adapt to what we are accustomed too, the early something is engrained into our mind, the more a part of our behavior (or interpretation technique) it becomes (as it is established the younger we are, up until a certain point, the more quickly we make and strengthen neural connections) , and maybe what we are exposed to is determined by what our mothers are exposed to, or choose to expose themselves to during their periods of pregnancy when our brains start to develop... so this could explain the seemingly genetic link between our personality type and our parents? I have a feeling our personality type may be more well establish by what our mother exposes us to, though... thoughts?
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