Common problems encountered in typology:
People assume that their time is perfectly alligned with their mtbi code when in actuality, somebody may get 51% intuition preference, 99% feeling preference, 51% judging preference, and 70% introverted, and type inFj, when their actual type would be iNfj, because a person's type is actually determined by their dominant function.
People answer according to their present preferences as opposed to relating their answers to their general past tendencies.
Her: so like if i took tests at different times and my stress levels are different wudn't that change the results
Me:not really
because you're not supposed to answer in terms of how you currently feel
your answers should reflect how you have acted generally
Her:good point
Mypersonality type: infj
Cog. Processes:
(function order: Fi>Si>Ti>Fe>Ne>Te>Se>Ni, dom. Fi, inFp predicted)
Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ********************** (22.6)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ********************************* (33.7)
good use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ****************************** (30.6)
good use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************** (22.3)
limited use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************** (26.5)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ********************************* (33.6)
good use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ******************************** (32.5)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************************* (37.6)
excellent use
Mypersonality type: eNfp
Cog. Processes:
(function order: Fi>Ne>Fe>Se>Si>Ti>Ni>Te, dom. Fi, inFp predicted)
Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) ***************************** (29.7)
average use introverted Sensing (Si) ***************************** (29.4)
average use extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ******************************** (32.5)
good use introverted I...ntuiting (Ni) *************************** (27.6)
average use extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************* (25.5)
average use introverted Thinking (Ti) **************************** (28.5)
average use extraverted Feeling (Fe) ******************************* (31.5)
good use introverted Feeling (Fi) *********************************** (35.7)
good use
Mypersonality type: eNtp
Cog. Processes:
(function order: Fi>Ni>Fe>Ne>Si>Se>Te>Ti, dom. Fi, inFp predicted)
Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) **************************** (28.2)
average use
introverted Sensing (Si) ****************************** (30.2)
good use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ******************************** (32.5)
good use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************************** (34.6)
good use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************* (25.2)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ******************** (20.3)
limited use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ******************************** (32.6)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************************ (36.4)
excellent use
Mypersonality type: iNfj/iNtj
Cog. Processes:
(function order: Ni>Ne>Fi>Ti>Fe>Se>Te>Si, dom. Ni, iNfj predicted)
Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ************************ (24)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ******** (8.2)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************** (38.2)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************************************* (43.2)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ********************* (21.7)
limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ********************************** (34.2)
good use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************************* (33.7)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************************* (37)
excellent use
continued later
The prolonged search for truth.. bridging logic,science,and spirituality. Redefining what it means to be "human" one step at a time.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
It finally occured to me that maybe the spiritual path truly isn't the correct path for everybody. For so long, I wanted people to conform to my ideals, fully convinced it would be what was best for them just because I knew with certainty it was right for me, and because I had come to the conclusion that at the core, we are fundamentally the same. But then last night I thought about what it would have meant if I had been born in somebody elses' body, in another perspective, with different experiences...
Jonathon was the one who opened my eyes to this paradigm of thought.
Yes, some people have been through a lot of crap that they didn't deserve, and Jon and I both had been dealt more than our fair share of injustices, but I was stricken by the difference in the way would react to that injustice. Bridget, too, described her "live and let live" attitude, and I knew there had to be more to it, but I had no idea where to direct my focus to find the answers... so I looked inside to ask myself where truth lies, and what makes me happy/unhappy, individually, as if there were no other people on this planet, while it was a necessity. I realized that if something truly were to affect me in one way, its deficiency would affect me in the other. Peace, above all, is what I deduced I was searching for, but it occured to me that for so long I've been trying to carpet the world, and if I were to achieve a lasting happiness and acceptance that I would proceed to project onto my perception of the rest of the world, I needed to come to terms with reality.
My whole life I had considered the odds against my favor, that I was the underdog, and this world desperately needed saving... that there was something virtually impossible that needed to be done, and I needed to be the one to accomplish it, because I was the only one who knew why and how... and that my needs weren't just my own. This was denail, because I was taught as I grew up that to tend to your own needs while disregarding others' was something that would reflect that you were "bad",therefore worthy of punishment; worthy of pain and suffering, and I must have made the connection at a young age that if I was in pain, there had to have been a factor that I could control... That because I did something wrong, even unintentionally, I had caused it... In my mind, that would mean that if I was suffering, it was because I was bad, and oh was it easy to find a reason to fit into that framework. We make sense where there is none, and that is the greatest strength and flaw of humanity, it appears. It makes sense after experiencing years of conditioning by my parents that I would learn to blame myself for the events in my life blame could not be singularly attributed to... I focused my rationalizing externally and did not acknowledge when I was not applying my logic to my judgement of myself, and that would mentally seperate me from other people, though I'm not sure if this had inflated or deflated my ego. Probably the former. By neglecting my needs, I was causing my own pain, but temporarily restoring my peace of mind, perpetuating a vicious cycle of pain that could only be fixed by stepping outside of my algorhythm and fine-tuning it after discarding the faulty connections. That's what I need to do now. I need to accept I do what I do, and I enjoy doing what I do, because I choose to and not for some truly transcendental purpose. Yes, in a way it does transcend me, because I'm helping other people, but I can only be as selfish as I am selfless in that sense, because there is no way to know that diminishing pain and resolving conflicts will ultimately be what benefits the spirit. I want to be objective, but my soul is still flavored with bias, and that is my humanity... That's the way it has to be for me to understand anything. Yes, there is in a way a right answer about what people should do in their lives, but that is doing what they must to satiate their needs and find their peace, even if that doesn't equate to happiness.
For the people who only see one way to do so, and hurt others in the process, there are people like me who will step in to show them that is the case, addressing our own need in the process. We can never wipe out ignorance, we can never wipe out hate or apathy, we can never wipe out error, and while this may be a defining aspect of our humanity, to claim this justifies wiping out the whole human race... for me, it would only cause pain, and the only way to truly do away with evil is to accept that it never existed. Other people may walk that path, but I will be there to counter them. We will both permit each other, one being necessary to fulfill the need of the other, both containing the same destiny, serving as a reflection of perfect symmetry. Everything in this world is necessary, and time isn't real. Reality is, in fact, unstable... I know this... difference is an illusion... and that illusion is permitted... I've observed my perspective spinning through time and space, each destination marking a new beginning, while simultaneous experiencing no true motion. This is because time, space, and difference are all the same. If we all consist of the same foundation, there can be no true difference. But what purpose would word serve? Do I want to teach, or do I want to understand? Do I want to understand, or do I want to find peace? Ultimately there can be one priority, and then it would be best if there were no priority. Every answer already lies inside. I will accept that it is my choice to understand without the need to be understood, and that to understand is to accept, and to accept is to actualize that peace that I constantly deny myself.
The day I accept the lack is a lie... why am I scared? It's the seeking of external validation and my perceived need of it that I fear I can't be without. Must need exist? Must I acknowledge it? Why do I fear pain? Why do I fear death?
And isn't that the greater truth to what I'm seeking? External validation because of my insecurities? It was the cause of much of my trouble... but I shouldn't compare one moment to the next if they're really all the same...
Of course if I keep questioning, I'll never find answers. I keep doubting and challenging my understandings faithlessly, tearing them apart to reach the same conclusion over and over, fearing I'm wrong, fearing what being wrong could mean, always searching for something I already have, but I deny myself. Why do I deny it? What is there to lose in accepting it? The ego. Myself. Everything of the value I understood. But there's so much more to gain... AH, but that's setting a goal, too.
It's rationalizing sensation. It's calling it emotion. Calling it mood, giving it a label, convincing myself I should be able to control it, and that it's wrong if the present doesn't meet x, y, and z specifications. Just like my obsession with typology...
Jonathon was the one who opened my eyes to this paradigm of thought.
Yes, some people have been through a lot of crap that they didn't deserve, and Jon and I both had been dealt more than our fair share of injustices, but I was stricken by the difference in the way would react to that injustice. Bridget, too, described her "live and let live" attitude, and I knew there had to be more to it, but I had no idea where to direct my focus to find the answers... so I looked inside to ask myself where truth lies, and what makes me happy/unhappy, individually, as if there were no other people on this planet, while it was a necessity. I realized that if something truly were to affect me in one way, its deficiency would affect me in the other. Peace, above all, is what I deduced I was searching for, but it occured to me that for so long I've been trying to carpet the world, and if I were to achieve a lasting happiness and acceptance that I would proceed to project onto my perception of the rest of the world, I needed to come to terms with reality.
My whole life I had considered the odds against my favor, that I was the underdog, and this world desperately needed saving... that there was something virtually impossible that needed to be done, and I needed to be the one to accomplish it, because I was the only one who knew why and how... and that my needs weren't just my own. This was denail, because I was taught as I grew up that to tend to your own needs while disregarding others' was something that would reflect that you were "bad",therefore worthy of punishment; worthy of pain and suffering, and I must have made the connection at a young age that if I was in pain, there had to have been a factor that I could control... That because I did something wrong, even unintentionally, I had caused it... In my mind, that would mean that if I was suffering, it was because I was bad, and oh was it easy to find a reason to fit into that framework. We make sense where there is none, and that is the greatest strength and flaw of humanity, it appears. It makes sense after experiencing years of conditioning by my parents that I would learn to blame myself for the events in my life blame could not be singularly attributed to... I focused my rationalizing externally and did not acknowledge when I was not applying my logic to my judgement of myself, and that would mentally seperate me from other people, though I'm not sure if this had inflated or deflated my ego. Probably the former. By neglecting my needs, I was causing my own pain, but temporarily restoring my peace of mind, perpetuating a vicious cycle of pain that could only be fixed by stepping outside of my algorhythm and fine-tuning it after discarding the faulty connections. That's what I need to do now. I need to accept I do what I do, and I enjoy doing what I do, because I choose to and not for some truly transcendental purpose. Yes, in a way it does transcend me, because I'm helping other people, but I can only be as selfish as I am selfless in that sense, because there is no way to know that diminishing pain and resolving conflicts will ultimately be what benefits the spirit. I want to be objective, but my soul is still flavored with bias, and that is my humanity... That's the way it has to be for me to understand anything. Yes, there is in a way a right answer about what people should do in their lives, but that is doing what they must to satiate their needs and find their peace, even if that doesn't equate to happiness.
For the people who only see one way to do so, and hurt others in the process, there are people like me who will step in to show them that is the case, addressing our own need in the process. We can never wipe out ignorance, we can never wipe out hate or apathy, we can never wipe out error, and while this may be a defining aspect of our humanity, to claim this justifies wiping out the whole human race... for me, it would only cause pain, and the only way to truly do away with evil is to accept that it never existed. Other people may walk that path, but I will be there to counter them. We will both permit each other, one being necessary to fulfill the need of the other, both containing the same destiny, serving as a reflection of perfect symmetry. Everything in this world is necessary, and time isn't real. Reality is, in fact, unstable... I know this... difference is an illusion... and that illusion is permitted... I've observed my perspective spinning through time and space, each destination marking a new beginning, while simultaneous experiencing no true motion. This is because time, space, and difference are all the same. If we all consist of the same foundation, there can be no true difference. But what purpose would word serve? Do I want to teach, or do I want to understand? Do I want to understand, or do I want to find peace? Ultimately there can be one priority, and then it would be best if there were no priority. Every answer already lies inside. I will accept that it is my choice to understand without the need to be understood, and that to understand is to accept, and to accept is to actualize that peace that I constantly deny myself.
"Because we invite the peace and tranquility from afar,
It looks like we will have to travel a bit further" -
"Kimi Ga Ita Monogatari" - See-Saw
"How come I must know
Where obsession needs to go?
How come I must know
The direction of relieving?"
"Obsession" - Yuki Kajiura
"If you are going to cope with fate, you can't go on saying you are sad or lonely."
- Unknown
These lyrics by Yuki Kajiura resonate, as do these lyrics by Misia:
"Just like a little bird that has forgotten, lost how to fly,
maybe someday, I’ll be able to find that something.
By the time I came to notice, I was already living there;
The near-pain happiness, – I’m sure that must be – how it is."
"A Little Bird Who Forgot How To Fly"- Misia
The day I accept the lack is a lie... why am I scared? It's the seeking of external validation and my perceived need of it that I fear I can't be without. Must need exist? Must I acknowledge it? Why do I fear pain? Why do I fear death?
And isn't that the greater truth to what I'm seeking? External validation because of my insecurities? It was the cause of much of my trouble... but I shouldn't compare one moment to the next if they're really all the same...
"Its meaning had been in the eyes of beholder all along.
It had grown dark before I found a sign.
'Among the nonsense tragedies, what on earth you are looking for?
You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate.'
Tell me why, or why not. Complaining way too much,
maybe I overlooked something fatal for me.
There is nobody who knows there will be nobody.
Except for me, all the world has gone mad.
So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold?
What is the well-being you are willing to make?
Now what? So what? Don’t you come interrupt me, oh please,
while I am interrupting myself."
"Why, or Why Not?" - from the anime Higurashi No Koro Ni
Of course if I keep questioning, I'll never find answers. I keep doubting and challenging my understandings faithlessly, tearing them apart to reach the same conclusion over and over, fearing I'm wrong, fearing what being wrong could mean, always searching for something I already have, but I deny myself. Why do I deny it? What is there to lose in accepting it? The ego. Myself. Everything of the value I understood. But there's so much more to gain... AH, but that's setting a goal, too.
It's rationalizing sensation. It's calling it emotion. Calling it mood, giving it a label, convincing myself I should be able to control it, and that it's wrong if the present doesn't meet x, y, and z specifications. Just like my obsession with typology...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Just a thought..
> Originally Posted by floramacivor
18 - 63 Extreme Systemizing
It looks like any kind of score higher than E makes one an extreme S?
About a year ago, I took an online quiz that supposedly determines if you're on the autism scale -- with my social skills, having a hard time looking into people's eyes sometimes, I began to wonder if I might be on the scale somewhere. I wasn't anywhere near the scale for autism. I'm just socially inept without a label to blame it on.
It's not the proportion, but rather, if you score is higher than a certain number greatly exceeding the average, like a bell-curve, you register as an extreme systemizer the same way you would register as a somebody with high IQ. Except.. I'm not sure if scores in the eq-sq quotient even have any established correlation to intelligence level or capacity,however.. It's like MTBI in the sense that it gauges preference. The fact that this is an INTJ forum and everybody is registering as an extreme systemizer does not surprise me in the least bit.
Something I find interesting, however:
>The systemiser ***intuitively*** figures out how things work, or what the underlying rules are controlling a system.
>INTJ - The "Strategist"
Temperament: NT (Intellectual) Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: ***1.5% (2.5% male, 0.5% female)***
> Brain Types of Experimental Control Groups
Respondent Extreme E E Balanced S Extreme S
Males ~0%~ 17% 46% 31% ~6%~
Females ~7%~ 47% 32% 14% ~0%~
~~~The percentages switch!~~~
>This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in ***the specialized knowledge systems*** that most INTJs start building at an early age.
>At work, INTJs use their ***conceptual strengths to analyze situations and then develop models to understand and anticipate***
>INFJ - The "Confidant"
Temperament: NF (Visionary) Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: 1% ***(0.5% male, 1.5% female)***
>They are introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others. INFJs are highly intuitive, ****empathetic**** and dedicated listeners. These traits tend to act as a "tell me what's wrong" sign on their forehead, hence the nicknames Confidant, Counselor or Empath.
Okay, now the summary:
>INTJ - The "Strategist"
Temperament: NT (Intellectual) Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: ***1.5% (2.5% male, 0.5% female)***
>INFJ - The "Confidant"
Temperament: NF (Visionary) Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: 1% ***(0.5% male, 1.5% female)***
> Brain Types of Experimental Control Groups
Respondent Extreme E E Balanced S Extreme S
Males ~0%~ 17% 46% 31% ~6%~
Females ~7%~ 47% 32% 14% ~0%~
~~~The percentages switch!~~~
Extreme E: INFJ Females as Extreme S: INTJ Males
Extreme S: INTJ Females as Extreme E: INFJ Males
0.5%(INTJ female) : 2.5%(INTJ male)
0.5%(INFJ male) : 1.5%(INFJ female)
0.5%(INTJ female) : 0%(extreme systemizing female)
0.5%(INFJ male) : 0%(extreme empathizing male)
2.5%(INTJ male) : 6%(extreme systemizing male)
1.5%(INFJ female) : 7% (extreme empathizing female)
6%(extreme systemizing male) : 7%(extreme empathizing female)
0%(extreme empathizing male) : 0%(extreme systemizing female)
0.5% (INTJ Female) : 0.5% (INFJ Male)
1.5% (INFJ Female) : 2.5% (INTJ Male)
Now is it just me, or does there seem to be a correlation between Extreme E, Extreme S, mtbi type, intuition, and the proportion of gender differences between Dominant Intuitives with a given auxilliary function, be it Thinking(INTJ) or Feeling(INFJ) and stereotypical gender associated with that type? Would INTJ be the symbolic model of the extreme male brain while INFJ was the symbolic model of the extreme female brain? And it is said that style of thinking is tied to prenatal environment,among other things, and the amount of exposure an individual had to testosterone.. Well.. would this explain why in MTBI, the extent of your Intuitive preference is said to be an aspect of personality that remains more consistent? It certainly presents itself like a connection to me, anyways
18 - 63 Extreme Systemizing
It looks like any kind of score higher than E makes one an extreme S?
About a year ago, I took an online quiz that supposedly determines if you're on the autism scale -- with my social skills, having a hard time looking into people's eyes sometimes, I began to wonder if I might be on the scale somewhere. I wasn't anywhere near the scale for autism. I'm just socially inept without a label to blame it on.
It's not the proportion, but rather, if you score is higher than a certain number greatly exceeding the average, like a bell-curve, you register as an extreme systemizer the same way you would register as a somebody with high IQ. Except.. I'm not sure if scores in the eq-sq quotient even have any established correlation to intelligence level or capacity,however.. It's like MTBI in the sense that it gauges preference. The fact that this is an INTJ forum and everybody is registering as an extreme systemizer does not surprise me in the least bit.
Something I find interesting, however:
>The systemiser ***intuitively*** figures out how things work, or what the underlying rules are controlling a system.
>INTJ - The "Strategist"
Temperament: NT (Intellectual) Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: ***1.5% (2.5% male, 0.5% female)***
> Brain Types of Experimental Control Groups
Respondent Extreme E E Balanced S Extreme S
Males ~0%~ 17% 46% 31% ~6%~
Females ~7%~ 47% 32% 14% ~0%~
~~~The percentages switch!~~~
>This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in ***the specialized knowledge systems*** that most INTJs start building at an early age.
>At work, INTJs use their ***conceptual strengths to analyze situations and then develop models to understand and anticipate***
>INFJ - The "Confidant"
Temperament: NF (Visionary) Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: 1% ***(0.5% male, 1.5% female)***
>They are introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others. INFJs are highly intuitive, ****empathetic**** and dedicated listeners. These traits tend to act as a "tell me what's wrong" sign on their forehead, hence the nicknames Confidant, Counselor or Empath.
Okay, now the summary:
>INTJ - The "Strategist"
Temperament: NT (Intellectual) Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: ***1.5% (2.5% male, 0.5% female)***
>INFJ - The "Confidant"
Temperament: NF (Visionary) Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: 1% ***(0.5% male, 1.5% female)***
> Brain Types of Experimental Control Groups
Respondent Extreme E E Balanced S Extreme S
Males ~0%~ 17% 46% 31% ~6%~
Females ~7%~ 47% 32% 14% ~0%~
~~~The percentages switch!~~~
Extreme E: INFJ Females as Extreme S: INTJ Males
Extreme S: INTJ Females as Extreme E: INFJ Males
0.5%(INTJ female) : 2.5%(INTJ male)
0.5%(INFJ male) : 1.5%(INFJ female)
0.5%(INTJ female) : 0%(extreme systemizing female)
0.5%(INFJ male) : 0%(extreme empathizing male)
2.5%(INTJ male) : 6%(extreme systemizing male)
1.5%(INFJ female) : 7% (extreme empathizing female)
6%(extreme systemizing male) : 7%(extreme empathizing female)
0%(extreme empathizing male) : 0%(extreme systemizing female)
0.5% (INTJ Female) : 0.5% (INFJ Male)
1.5% (INFJ Female) : 2.5% (INTJ Male)
Now is it just me, or does there seem to be a correlation between Extreme E, Extreme S, mtbi type, intuition, and the proportion of gender differences between Dominant Intuitives with a given auxilliary function, be it Thinking(INTJ) or Feeling(INFJ) and stereotypical gender associated with that type? Would INTJ be the symbolic model of the extreme male brain while INFJ was the symbolic model of the extreme female brain? And it is said that style of thinking is tied to prenatal environment,among other things, and the amount of exposure an individual had to testosterone.. Well.. would this explain why in MTBI, the extent of your Intuitive preference is said to be an aspect of personality that remains more consistent? It certainly presents itself like a connection to me, anyways
Saturday, July 3, 2010
How The Human Genome Project's Data Could Be Utilized More Efficiently
Why do I exert so much energy just for the sake of copying and recopying things? Writing so much is extremely time consuming and I'm not even sure of if it helps me or not, but I guess it must..
When I see my words on paper, in front of me, it is recognized by my mind as symbol work, and isn't that how people learn: through symbols and associating meaning to them? When I stop to think about humanity like this, I'm left in awe, marveling its complexity and even my own ability to understand it.. I do think, however, reality may have simply been a byproduct of each of our minds. Something that's fascinating to me is the fact that two humans can give birth to another human.. and that human they produced could grow up to produce more humans,too. I figure the body system, like everything else, functions like an equation. I wonder what chemicals and isotope the human body is composed of, what even sperm or an egg are made of, and how their growth is stimulated..
And neurochemistry? If you can alter that without having to alter the DNA(which you can), you could potentially manipulate the natural growth patterns of your body!
I wonder what causes errors in DNA/RNA replication and translation.. I know DNA mutations are what cause death, eventually, because genetic coding works like computer coding.. altering it alters the process, itself.
I'm not sure if I would want to try manipulating my DNA coding without being absolutely sure I knew what I was doing, because with 4 nucleotides, I imagine it functions like 4 number/variable binary coding would. It certainly appears that way when you consider the types of mutations that could cause cancer. If scientists don't already do this, I bet something that would help aid the fight against cancer would be recruiting patients with a specific localized type of cancer, scanning their DNA sequences onto a hardrive, and creating a program that automatically identifies matching strands of sequencing, compares that to volunteers who don't have cancers' DNA sequences, ruling out the similarities in sequence shared with the non-cancer subject, then identifying the similarities remaining among the cancer patients so they figured out its most probable cause or predisposition(or checking the DNA sequence of the cells that were already mutated and cancerous. From there, they could figure out how to modify DNA more efficiently..
Chemotherapy isn't reliable because it fires a bunch of radiation at cancerous cells with the hope of altering the sequence so it's no longer cancerous.. but that has SO many unintended consequences and side-effects...
Certain viruses and strains of bacteria(like botulism?) have been used to rearrange DNA coding outside of the body, but what I would like to know is, if DNA mutations happen on a cell-by-cell level and cell division isn't isn't idiosyncratic, then how do they eventually acquire the same pattern? How are cells abke to coexist with different DNA sequences within the same body and how does DNA sequence remain constant, then, over time? Why, when a person gets cancer, does it concentrate in a certain area?
Maybe if somebody wanted to identify which parts of DNA were associated with dysfunctions of certain body parts, they could use the same approach I I suggested for finding the genes associated with cancer, except instead of cancer patients being compared with healthy control subjects, they would focus on patients with different dysfunctions of the same organ. OR they could even figure out the genes associated specifically with a given disease, then among the remaining similarities, figure out which causes what universally..
To me, these are pretty simple concepts, and they may or may not be so obvious to others, but if they are so obvious, why aren't scientists already using them? Or ARE they..? If they are, then why is it taking so long for their discoveries to be put to use in the medical community? The only reason I predict there may be complications would be that there may still have been too many similarities, but.. wouldn't the results still give them at least a general idea? Unless dispositions are widespread.. but.. they really should work on figuring out the commonalities typical in humans, then how they differ from other animals(unless they had already accomplished that with "The Human Genome Project").. OH!
Another way they could identify the cause of a certain type of disorder is through comparing human and animal DNA!
This whole theory is based upon the assumption that certain traits tend to have certain association areas in a DNA sequence just like there are association areas of the brain and common areas that are the source of dysfunction in patients with the same disorder. They have the whole human genome mapped out, so what the hell are they waiting for? And with computers, it shouldn't take that long.. especially if they chunked the sequence, distributing it across different operating systems, as opposed to assigning the whole task to one..
Would DNA mutations occur because of the lack of available nucleotides to code with in a given instant? My logic says that if sunlight and other cancer causing agents can cause the body to produce given chemicals,acting as triggers for those chemicals production (the pineal gland, for example, responds to certain parts of sunlight,and reacts by either witholding or producing melatonin to signal the rest of the body to begin preparing for sleep). That would inadvertently affect the body's tally of available basic resources, probably depleting it. And if the body was deprived of glucose, for example, its equillibrium would be thrown into a flux and the neurochemicals/hormones necessary to preserve would not be produced to the same extent unless some sort of compromise was made someplace else in the body system (I wonder,also,how the hypothalamus plays into this, besides being the sort of director totally reactionary to stimuli). Maybe certain types of radiation even decay certain proteins before being full metabolized.. those proteins being the source of polypeptides the body may reduce to redistribute the resulting nucleotides according to where they are needed? Wouldn't that cause the process of aging? Isn't that what sunlight does to the skin? Hmmm.....
When I see my words on paper, in front of me, it is recognized by my mind as symbol work, and isn't that how people learn: through symbols and associating meaning to them? When I stop to think about humanity like this, I'm left in awe, marveling its complexity and even my own ability to understand it.. I do think, however, reality may have simply been a byproduct of each of our minds. Something that's fascinating to me is the fact that two humans can give birth to another human.. and that human they produced could grow up to produce more humans,too. I figure the body system, like everything else, functions like an equation. I wonder what chemicals and isotope the human body is composed of, what even sperm or an egg are made of, and how their growth is stimulated..
And neurochemistry? If you can alter that without having to alter the DNA(which you can), you could potentially manipulate the natural growth patterns of your body!
I wonder what causes errors in DNA/RNA replication and translation.. I know DNA mutations are what cause death, eventually, because genetic coding works like computer coding.. altering it alters the process, itself.
I'm not sure if I would want to try manipulating my DNA coding without being absolutely sure I knew what I was doing, because with 4 nucleotides, I imagine it functions like 4 number/variable binary coding would. It certainly appears that way when you consider the types of mutations that could cause cancer. If scientists don't already do this, I bet something that would help aid the fight against cancer would be recruiting patients with a specific localized type of cancer, scanning their DNA sequences onto a hardrive, and creating a program that automatically identifies matching strands of sequencing, compares that to volunteers who don't have cancers' DNA sequences, ruling out the similarities in sequence shared with the non-cancer subject, then identifying the similarities remaining among the cancer patients so they figured out its most probable cause or predisposition(or checking the DNA sequence of the cells that were already mutated and cancerous. From there, they could figure out how to modify DNA more efficiently..
Chemotherapy isn't reliable because it fires a bunch of radiation at cancerous cells with the hope of altering the sequence so it's no longer cancerous.. but that has SO many unintended consequences and side-effects...
Certain viruses and strains of bacteria(like botulism?) have been used to rearrange DNA coding outside of the body, but what I would like to know is, if DNA mutations happen on a cell-by-cell level and cell division isn't isn't idiosyncratic, then how do they eventually acquire the same pattern? How are cells abke to coexist with different DNA sequences within the same body and how does DNA sequence remain constant, then, over time? Why, when a person gets cancer, does it concentrate in a certain area?
Maybe if somebody wanted to identify which parts of DNA were associated with dysfunctions of certain body parts, they could use the same approach I I suggested for finding the genes associated with cancer, except instead of cancer patients being compared with healthy control subjects, they would focus on patients with different dysfunctions of the same organ. OR they could even figure out the genes associated specifically with a given disease, then among the remaining similarities, figure out which causes what universally..
To me, these are pretty simple concepts, and they may or may not be so obvious to others, but if they are so obvious, why aren't scientists already using them? Or ARE they..? If they are, then why is it taking so long for their discoveries to be put to use in the medical community? The only reason I predict there may be complications would be that there may still have been too many similarities, but.. wouldn't the results still give them at least a general idea? Unless dispositions are widespread.. but.. they really should work on figuring out the commonalities typical in humans, then how they differ from other animals(unless they had already accomplished that with "The Human Genome Project").. OH!
Another way they could identify the cause of a certain type of disorder is through comparing human and animal DNA!
This whole theory is based upon the assumption that certain traits tend to have certain association areas in a DNA sequence just like there are association areas of the brain and common areas that are the source of dysfunction in patients with the same disorder. They have the whole human genome mapped out, so what the hell are they waiting for? And with computers, it shouldn't take that long.. especially if they chunked the sequence, distributing it across different operating systems, as opposed to assigning the whole task to one..
Would DNA mutations occur because of the lack of available nucleotides to code with in a given instant? My logic says that if sunlight and other cancer causing agents can cause the body to produce given chemicals,acting as triggers for those chemicals production (the pineal gland, for example, responds to certain parts of sunlight,and reacts by either witholding or producing melatonin to signal the rest of the body to begin preparing for sleep). That would inadvertently affect the body's tally of available basic resources, probably depleting it. And if the body was deprived of glucose, for example, its equillibrium would be thrown into a flux and the neurochemicals/hormones necessary to preserve would not be produced to the same extent unless some sort of compromise was made someplace else in the body system (I wonder,also,how the hypothalamus plays into this, besides being the sort of director totally reactionary to stimuli). Maybe certain types of radiation even decay certain proteins before being full metabolized.. those proteins being the source of polypeptides the body may reduce to redistribute the resulting nucleotides according to where they are needed? Wouldn't that cause the process of aging? Isn't that what sunlight does to the skin? Hmmm.....
Friday, June 18, 2010
The problem with current personality testing..
The problem with all the personality tests online these days is that they type people based upon their ratios,not their dominant function.
Bipolar spectrums for answering between feeling and thinking or intuiting and sensing are handy,yes,but inaccurate if you don't consider that they're merely aids of determining dominant function,
but there are some variables even beebe left out in his theoretical framework of typology.
For example, what if somebody was an ambivert?
If somebody was an ambivert, to say that they are especially Xe or Xi would be completely inappropriate, yet their strength may be found in one particular function, be that Nx,Sx,Fx,or Tx. So technically, if somebody who as an ambivert has a definite strength are, then couldn't they switch between types with that general dominant function? I'm an ambivert with a consist dominant Ni/Ne function.. So I have been typed infj,intj,enfp,and entp in the past. It was annoying that my results were not consistent between tests,and I was very confused and frustrated. The only consistent variable was that I always scored extremely high on the intuition part.
For example, I took the personality test twice located here:
The first time I took the test, I got:
I was typed INFJ.
The second time I took the test, I got:
I was typed INTJ.
The reason I was typed INFJ in the first test and INTJ in the second was because of the difference in the Thinking and Feeling percentages. I'm going to guess,also,that those differences were the product of one change in answer selection. If type is supposed to be something that's fairly consistent,how could it be that one difference in answer selection would suddenly change the whole result? I'm probably pretty strange in the sense that I don't have natural preference towards thinking or feeling, OR introversion or extraversion that is consistent. But I do know how test could be revised to provide more consistent results in how people are categorized, I believe.
Bipolar spectrums for answering between feeling and thinking or intuiting and sensing are handy,yes,but inaccurate if you don't consider that they're merely aids of determining dominant function,
but there are some variables even beebe left out in his theoretical framework of typology.
For example, what if somebody was an ambivert?
If somebody was an ambivert, to say that they are especially Xe or Xi would be completely inappropriate, yet their strength may be found in one particular function, be that Nx,Sx,Fx,or Tx. So technically, if somebody who as an ambivert has a definite strength are, then couldn't they switch between types with that general dominant function? I'm an ambivert with a consist dominant Ni/Ne function.. So I have been typed infj,intj,enfp,and entp in the past. It was annoying that my results were not consistent between tests,and I was very confused and frustrated. The only consistent variable was that I always scored extremely high on the intuition part.
For example, I took the personality test twice located here:
The first time I took the test, I got:
I was typed INFJ.
The second time I took the test, I got:
I was typed INTJ.
The reason I was typed INFJ in the first test and INTJ in the second was because of the difference in the Thinking and Feeling percentages. I'm going to guess,also,that those differences were the product of one change in answer selection. If type is supposed to be something that's fairly consistent,how could it be that one difference in answer selection would suddenly change the whole result? I'm probably pretty strange in the sense that I don't have natural preference towards thinking or feeling, OR introversion or extraversion that is consistent. But I do know how test could be revised to provide more consistent results in how people are categorized, I believe.
~personalitytheorywork~(work in progress)
It's weird.. In all personality test types I take,I score very,very high on
intuition, like 95~100%,depending on the test, yet my introversion vs.
extraversion has varied over the course of years(I've recently become much
more introverted,finding people most people draining).. My feeling and
thinking preference are naturally about equal(53%thinking/47% feeling
and at another time 47% thinking/53% feeling), and I am not very
inclined towards either judging or perceiving(47% perceiving/53%
judging). Since perceiving and judging really symbolize extraverted or
introverted sensing, would they also symbolize my tendency towards
ambiversion? I know for a fact I have always been exceptionally strong in
my intuition.. for years, that hasn't changed a bit.. But I think I'm more of a understand,then explain type of person as opposed to a seek to
understanding through external explanations by other people type of
person(I know it's horribly ironic,considering I'm seeking some sort of
affirmation here disguised as asking for guidance),but I would
appreciate it if somebody could tell me I'm somehow horrible wrong in a
logical fashion when I claim that thinking and feeling,as well as
intuiting and sensing, are actually the same things being described
through different words.
Introverted Intuition with Thinking (intj)
Extraverted Intuition with Thinking (entp)
Introverted Intuition with Feeling (infj)
Extraverted Intuition with Feeling (enfp)
If the only absolutely constant thing about my personality is my clear
preference for intuition,and to understand then explain as opposed to
convincing myself I need to be taught (though actually just seeking
positive affirmation of things I unconsciously knew,because when
somebody gives me advise I don't like,I will intuitively know through
feeling or having the thought that I disagree with it,then have to figure
out why) is an approach that I've learned to take and found to be more
natural.. does that mean I could type logically as all of these depending
on how secure I'm feeling? And if I type extraverted, does that just mean I
don't understand my own feelings well enough on an issue and I need to
have the possibilities projected towards me by another after objectifying a
perspective to establish whether or not I agree/disagree?
..and guys, does this make the only difference between extraverts and
introverts the fact that extraverts believe they need to look outside of
themselves to establish a valid identity/to feel secure, and introverts
believe that anything they're told is true about themselves and their
motivations that they don't personally understand is basically the other
person being mistaken/totally misunderstanding/projecting their
personal reality values and beliefs them?
Are thinking and feeling types basically just as biased as one another
while projecting their own bias onto the other type in an attempt to justify the internal peace and security in claiming distinction from the other side while sharing a mutual degree of disparity between the opposing
perspective and the interpretation of their own perspectives?
For example, when a feeling type tries explain the other side, they will say that thinkers are too impartial,while priding themself in being
subjective..denying the fact that explaning it in that fashion requires
some degree of objectivity and that the same seperation from moral
standards they claim is the fault of the other side is what allows them to
judge what is "more correct" or virtuous?
When a thinking type explains the difference between their perspective
and the views of the other side, they claim feeling types are too
emotional,too biased,and too subjective and inconsistent, denying the
fact that they are just as vulnerable to emotional influence because they
could always be mutually human,regardless of belief and bias. They,just
like the feeling types, deny that it took some degree of the fault of the
other side within themselves,no matter how vehemtently they may try to
deflect it(subjectivity), to claim the other side is "too" much ofsomething,
asserting that their own subjective understanding is somehow "more
logical" or "more objectively valid" than another persons..
But how can one person be more pure in their collective understanding of
the life they'd led so far than another person without somehow defining
the other as being less objectively real and valuable? How can one
human's perspective be more objectively because of a mere difference in
the way they interpret a fact subjectively? How could any of us know our
perspective is more or less biased or flawed in a negative way than
another persons' if we never had viewed their perspective,been through all
the same exact things they had been through,and felt with their
body,thought with their mind,to know our interpretation of their
understanding,or even their explanation of their personal
understanding,was what could perfectly explain to us specifically what
they truly meant?
And then the understanding adapting/understanding assimilating
functions(Ne and Ni) and the acting to extravert internal
understanding/acting to internalize external understanding functions
(Se and Si) are probably related in the same ways.
Intuitives would claim sensing types are wrong because they appear to act
without thinking about the consequences. Sensing types would claim
intuitives are wrong because because they have no personal experience to
learn true consequences from. The reality would be that intuitives Do act,
but they do it after understanding the reason to while sensing types would
act, but they do it to learn the reason why they should or should not act
that way. Intuitives do not believe there is value in acting for the
moment, because the present moment does not last. Sensors do not believe
there is value in acting for the future, because all we could experience is
the present moment. Intuitives believe sensors are wrong because living in
the moment means you place no value in the future, while the future DOES
have value. Sensors believe intuitives are wrong because living in the
future means you place no value on the present moment, while the present
moment DOES have value.
The truth is, Intuitives DO live in the moment as much as Sensors, and
Sensors live in the future as much as Intuitives.
When intuitives understand, they either have first sought a way of
acquiring an understanding, judged how to gain that understanding,
then acted in order to gain it(internalizing experience of sensation
because they didn't have it yet), or have first had the understanding,
judged which way would be best to explain, then acted to express what
their understanding meant(externalizing experience of sensation
because others didn't have it yet).
When sensors experience, they either have first acted to be moved
emotionally(internalizing experience of understanding because they
didn't have it yet),then gained experience, or they have first been moved
emotionally by a gained experience (externalizing experience of
understanding because others didn't have it yet), then acted because of it.
When feelers experience emotion, they either have first identified the type
of feeling (internalizing understanding of thought process because they
didn't have it yet), then come to understanding why, or they have first
identified the understanding understanding why(externalizing
understanding of emotion because others didn't have it yet),then
understood of thought process.
When thinkers experience logic, they either have first identified the type of thought (internalizing understanding of feeling because they didn't have
it yet), then come to understand why, or they have first identified an
understanding why(externalizing understanding of reason because
others didn't have it yet), then experienced feeling.
Yeah, gonna revist this later on.
intuition, like 95~100%,depending on the test, yet my introversion vs.
extraversion has varied over the course of years(I've recently become much
more introverted,finding people most people draining).. My feeling and
thinking preference are naturally about equal(53%thinking/47% feeling
and at another time 47% thinking/53% feeling), and I am not very
inclined towards either judging or perceiving(47% perceiving/53%
judging). Since perceiving and judging really symbolize extraverted or
introverted sensing, would they also symbolize my tendency towards
ambiversion? I know for a fact I have always been exceptionally strong in
my intuition.. for years, that hasn't changed a bit.. But I think I'm more of a understand,then explain type of person as opposed to a seek to
understanding through external explanations by other people type of
person(I know it's horribly ironic,considering I'm seeking some sort of
affirmation here disguised as asking for guidance),but I would
appreciate it if somebody could tell me I'm somehow horrible wrong in a
logical fashion when I claim that thinking and feeling,as well as
intuiting and sensing, are actually the same things being described
through different words.
Introverted Intuition with Thinking (intj)
Extraverted Intuition with Thinking (entp)
Introverted Intuition with Feeling (infj)
Extraverted Intuition with Feeling (enfp)
If the only absolutely constant thing about my personality is my clear
preference for intuition,and to understand then explain as opposed to
convincing myself I need to be taught (though actually just seeking
positive affirmation of things I unconsciously knew,because when
somebody gives me advise I don't like,I will intuitively know through
feeling or having the thought that I disagree with it,then have to figure
out why) is an approach that I've learned to take and found to be more
natural.. does that mean I could type logically as all of these depending
on how secure I'm feeling? And if I type extraverted, does that just mean I
don't understand my own feelings well enough on an issue and I need to
have the possibilities projected towards me by another after objectifying a
perspective to establish whether or not I agree/disagree?
..and guys, does this make the only difference between extraverts and
introverts the fact that extraverts believe they need to look outside of
themselves to establish a valid identity/to feel secure, and introverts
believe that anything they're told is true about themselves and their
motivations that they don't personally understand is basically the other
person being mistaken/totally misunderstanding/projecting their
personal reality values and beliefs them?
Are thinking and feeling types basically just as biased as one another
while projecting their own bias onto the other type in an attempt to justify the internal peace and security in claiming distinction from the other side while sharing a mutual degree of disparity between the opposing
perspective and the interpretation of their own perspectives?
For example, when a feeling type tries explain the other side, they will say that thinkers are too impartial,while priding themself in being
subjective..denying the fact that explaning it in that fashion requires
some degree of objectivity and that the same seperation from moral
standards they claim is the fault of the other side is what allows them to
judge what is "more correct" or virtuous?
When a thinking type explains the difference between their perspective
and the views of the other side, they claim feeling types are too
emotional,too biased,and too subjective and inconsistent, denying the
fact that they are just as vulnerable to emotional influence because they
could always be mutually human,regardless of belief and bias. They,just
like the feeling types, deny that it took some degree of the fault of the
other side within themselves,no matter how vehemtently they may try to
deflect it(subjectivity), to claim the other side is "too" much ofsomething,
asserting that their own subjective understanding is somehow "more
logical" or "more objectively valid" than another persons..
But how can one person be more pure in their collective understanding of
the life they'd led so far than another person without somehow defining
the other as being less objectively real and valuable? How can one
human's perspective be more objectively because of a mere difference in
the way they interpret a fact subjectively? How could any of us know our
perspective is more or less biased or flawed in a negative way than
another persons' if we never had viewed their perspective,been through all
the same exact things they had been through,and felt with their
body,thought with their mind,to know our interpretation of their
understanding,or even their explanation of their personal
understanding,was what could perfectly explain to us specifically what
they truly meant?
And then the understanding adapting/understanding assimilating
functions(Ne and Ni) and the acting to extravert internal
understanding/acting to internalize external understanding functions
(Se and Si) are probably related in the same ways.
Intuitives would claim sensing types are wrong because they appear to act
without thinking about the consequences. Sensing types would claim
intuitives are wrong because because they have no personal experience to
learn true consequences from. The reality would be that intuitives Do act,
but they do it after understanding the reason to while sensing types would
act, but they do it to learn the reason why they should or should not act
that way. Intuitives do not believe there is value in acting for the
moment, because the present moment does not last. Sensors do not believe
there is value in acting for the future, because all we could experience is
the present moment. Intuitives believe sensors are wrong because living in
the moment means you place no value in the future, while the future DOES
have value. Sensors believe intuitives are wrong because living in the
future means you place no value on the present moment, while the present
moment DOES have value.
The truth is, Intuitives DO live in the moment as much as Sensors, and
Sensors live in the future as much as Intuitives.
When intuitives understand, they either have first sought a way of
acquiring an understanding, judged how to gain that understanding,
then acted in order to gain it(internalizing experience of sensation
because they didn't have it yet), or have first had the understanding,
judged which way would be best to explain, then acted to express what
their understanding meant(externalizing experience of sensation
because others didn't have it yet).
When sensors experience, they either have first acted to be moved
emotionally(internalizing experience of understanding because they
didn't have it yet),then gained experience, or they have first been moved
emotionally by a gained experience (externalizing experience of
understanding because others didn't have it yet), then acted because of it.
When feelers experience emotion, they either have first identified the type
of feeling (internalizing understanding of thought process because they
didn't have it yet), then come to understanding why, or they have first
identified the understanding understanding why(externalizing
understanding of emotion because others didn't have it yet),then
understood of thought process.
When thinkers experience logic, they either have first identified the type of thought (internalizing understanding of feeling because they didn't have
it yet), then come to understand why, or they have first identified an
understanding why(externalizing understanding of reason because
others didn't have it yet), then experienced feeling.
Yeah, gonna revist this later on.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
My Personality Type;the struggle for a constant identity,the insecurity stemming from unrelated anxieties
It's weird.. In all personality test types I take,I score very,very high on intuition, like 95~100%,depending on the test, yet my introversion vs. extraversion has varied over the course of years(I've recently become much more introverted,finding people most people draining).. My feeling and thinking preference are naturally about equal(53%thinking/47% feeling and at another time 47% thinking/53% feeling), and I am not very inclined towards either judging or perceiving(47% perceiving/53% judging). Since perceiving and judging really symbolize extraverted or introverted sensing, would they also symbolize my tendency towards ambiversion? I know for a fact I have always been exceptionally strong in my intuition.. for years, that hasn't changed a bit.. But I think I'm more of a understand,then explain type of person as opposed to a seek to understanding through external explanations by other people type of person(I know it's horribly ironic,considering I'm seeking some sort of affirmation here disguised as asking for guidance),but I would appreciate it if somebody could tell me I'm somehow horrible wrong in a logical fashion when I claim that thinking and feeling,as well as intuiting and sensing, are actually the same things being described through different words.
Introverted Intuition with Thinking (intj) Extraverted Intuition with Thinking (entp)
Introverted Intuition with Feeling (infj) Extraverted Intuition with Feeling (enfp)
If the only absolutely constant thing about my personality is my clear preference for intuition,and to understand then explain as opposed to convincing myself I need to be taught (though actually just seeking positive affirmation of things I unconsciously knew,because when somebody gives me advise I don't like,I will intuitively know through feeling or having the thought that I disagree with it,then have to figure out why) is an approach that I've learned to take and found to be more natural.. does that mean I could type logically as all of these depending on how secure I'm feeling? And if I type extraverted, does that just mean I don't understand my own feelings well enough on an issue and I need to have the possibilities projected towards me by another after objectifying a perspective to establish whether or not I agree/disagree?
Introverted Intuition with Thinking (intj) Extraverted Intuition with Thinking (entp)
Introverted Intuition with Feeling (infj) Extraverted Intuition with Feeling (enfp)
If the only absolutely constant thing about my personality is my clear preference for intuition,and to understand then explain as opposed to convincing myself I need to be taught (though actually just seeking positive affirmation of things I unconsciously knew,because when somebody gives me advise I don't like,I will intuitively know through feeling or having the thought that I disagree with it,then have to figure out why) is an approach that I've learned to take and found to be more natural.. does that mean I could type logically as all of these depending on how secure I'm feeling? And if I type extraverted, does that just mean I don't understand my own feelings well enough on an issue and I need to have the possibilities projected towards me by another after objectifying a perspective to establish whether or not I agree/disagree?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Beta Personality Theory
Thesis: The more naturally inclined we are towards our dominant function,the less naturally inclined we are towards our others.
(expanding on this theory: )
The Four Primary Personality Types
Dominant Intuitive Types
INFJ(Ni,Fe,Ti,Se), INTJ(Ni,Te,Fi,Se), ENFP(Ne,Fi,Te,Se), ENTP(Ne,Ti,Fe,Si)
Dominant Sensing Types
ISFJ(Se,Fi,Te,Ni), ISTJ(Se,Ti,Fe,Ni), ESFP(Se,Fi,Te,Ni) ESTP(Se,Ti,Fe,Ni)
Dominant Thinking Types
ISTP(Ti,Se,Ni,Fe), INTP(Ti,Ne,Si,Fe) ESTJ(Ti,Se,Ni,Fe), ENTJ(Ti,Ne,Si,Fe)
Dominant Feeling Types
ISFP(Fi,Se,Ni,Te), INFP(Fi,Ne,Si,Te), ESFJ(Fe,Si,Ne,Ti), ENFJ(Fe,Ni,Se,Ti)
The 8 Secondary Personality Types
Dominant Introverted Intuitive Types
INFJ & INTJ (Dominant introverted intuition/Ni)
Dominant Extraverted Intuitive Types
ENFP & ENTP (Dominant extraverted intuition/Ne)
Dominant Introverted Sensing Types
ISFJ & ISTJ (Dominant introverted sensing/Si)
Dominant Extraverted Sensing Types
ESFP & ESTP (Dominant extraverted sensing/Se)
Dominant Introverted Thinking Types
ISTP & INTP (Dominant introverted thinking/Ti)
Dominant Extraverted Thinking Types
ESTJ & ENTJ (Dominant extraverted thinking/Te)
Dominant Introverted Feeling Types
ISFP & INFP (Dominant introverted feeling/Fi)
Dominant Extraverted Feeling Types
ESFJ & ENFJ (Dominant extraverted feeling/Fe)
Now here's the funny part:
Te/Fe= Same thing with different words/explanatory style/introverted appearance
Ti/Fi= Same thing with different words/explanatory style/extraverted appearance
Se/Ne= Same thing with different words/explanatory style/extraverted appearance
Si/Ni= Same thing with different words/explanatory style/introverted appearance
How to calculate natural preference:
Extraversion/Introversion= % preference
Intuitive/Sensing= % preference
Feeling/Thinking= % preference
Judging/Perceiving= % preference
Perceiving= Si/Ni
-observing sensation(Si)/noticing patterns of feeling(Ni)
Judging= Ne/Se
-noticing what causes patterns of feeling(Ne)/noticing patterns of sensation(Se)
Example of my own %'s:
63% Extraversion
95% Intuition
53% Feeling
53% Judging
Since each trait was determined by comparison on a bipolar scale,and each value was given in relative terms,all factors must be considered for any to have any value.
Okay, 95%= biggest deviant variable,so..
95%- (difference between thinking and feeling + difference between judging and perceiving)=?
95%- [(53%-47%) + (53%-47%)]=?
95%- [6 + 6] =?
95%- 12=?
Natural preference for intuition= 83%
Another example:
58% Extraverted
79% intuition
63% feeling
68% perceiving
Extraverted 53%
Intuiton 74%
Thinking 58%
Percieving 53%
24-16= 8
Going to have to continue expanding on this again later,as well.
(expanding on this theory: )
The Four Primary Personality Types
Dominant Intuitive Types
INFJ(Ni,Fe,Ti,Se), INTJ(Ni,Te,Fi,Se), ENFP(Ne,Fi,Te,Se), ENTP(Ne,Ti,Fe,Si)
Dominant Sensing Types
ISFJ(Se,Fi,Te,Ni), ISTJ(Se,Ti,Fe,Ni), ESFP(Se,Fi,Te,Ni) ESTP(Se,Ti,Fe,Ni)
Dominant Thinking Types
ISTP(Ti,Se,Ni,Fe), INTP(Ti,Ne,Si,Fe) ESTJ(Ti,Se,Ni,Fe), ENTJ(Ti,Ne,Si,Fe)
Dominant Feeling Types
ISFP(Fi,Se,Ni,Te), INFP(Fi,Ne,Si,Te), ESFJ(Fe,Si,Ne,Ti), ENFJ(Fe,Ni,Se,Ti)
The 8 Secondary Personality Types
Dominant Introverted Intuitive Types
INFJ & INTJ (Dominant introverted intuition/Ni)
Dominant Extraverted Intuitive Types
ENFP & ENTP (Dominant extraverted intuition/Ne)
Dominant Introverted Sensing Types
ISFJ & ISTJ (Dominant introverted sensing/Si)
Dominant Extraverted Sensing Types
ESFP & ESTP (Dominant extraverted sensing/Se)
Dominant Introverted Thinking Types
ISTP & INTP (Dominant introverted thinking/Ti)
Dominant Extraverted Thinking Types
ESTJ & ENTJ (Dominant extraverted thinking/Te)
Dominant Introverted Feeling Types
ISFP & INFP (Dominant introverted feeling/Fi)
Dominant Extraverted Feeling Types
ESFJ & ENFJ (Dominant extraverted feeling/Fe)
Now here's the funny part:
Te/Fe= Same thing with different words/explanatory style/introverted appearance
Ti/Fi= Same thing with different words/explanatory style/extraverted appearance
Se/Ne= Same thing with different words/explanatory style/extraverted appearance
Si/Ni= Same thing with different words/explanatory style/introverted appearance
How to calculate natural preference:
Extraversion/Introversion= % preference
Intuitive/Sensing= % preference
Feeling/Thinking= % preference
Judging/Perceiving= % preference
Perceiving= Si/Ni
-observing sensation(Si)/noticing patterns of feeling(Ni)
Judging= Ne/Se
-noticing what causes patterns of feeling(Ne)/noticing patterns of sensation(Se)
Example of my own %'s:
63% Extraversion
95% Intuition
53% Feeling
53% Judging
Since each trait was determined by comparison on a bipolar scale,and each value was given in relative terms,all factors must be considered for any to have any value.
Okay, 95%= biggest deviant variable,so..
95%- (difference between thinking and feeling + difference between judging and perceiving)=?
95%- [(53%-47%) + (53%-47%)]=?
95%- [6 + 6] =?
95%- 12=?
Natural preference for intuition= 83%
Another example:
58% Extraverted
79% intuition
63% feeling
68% perceiving
Extraverted 53%
Intuiton 74%
Thinking 58%
Percieving 53%
24-16= 8
Going to have to continue expanding on this again later,as well.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Poor Bob,the squirrel
I see his injured leg,and it makes me want to cry
He wobbles to-and-fro and sways side-to-side
Bob is a victim,just the same as we can be
Watching him limp,a could of one like you or me..
Slowly,up the tree he goes and I hold my breath
for certainly one misstep would bring about his death
I feel the pain inside of him,only three feet on a branch..
and very soon I find myself emerged within a trance
I find a boy named Robert;Bob is what he's called.
Optimistic,unscathed by life,but then I am appalled..
Now he lives on city streets and while he has that name,
with no parents to call him it,it's truly all the same.
People pass poor Bob every single day,
but regardless of his homelessness,no notice will they pay.
It is he who wants to cry out after the hit and run..
He saw the people drive away;I knew this was their fun.
I pray he thinks they're inattentive and that they somehow didn't know,
yet I saw it then,a hidden spite that eyes will sometimes show.
Poor Bob,I wanted to hold him then,convey the love of life,
but I was a ghost,my voice was lost within my fruitless strife.
I could barely withstand the torture of seeing him bleed out,
but for the very life of me,I could not make a sound.
Bob is on the tree again,though he's once more a squirrel,
and now I have my voice with me,the power to change the world.
After struggling for quite a bit,he jumps from tree-to-roof,
and though still out of reach to me,he armed me with a truth.
I am a single person blessed with the gift of love
We are many people and together we'll rise above
You see, we are all victims of a single person's hate
that only seemed so powerful because it formed a chain..
It spread like an infection and we unknowingly let it in
and while I'm just a person who recognized the sin..
We can stand together,combining heart and mind..
We can join hands and leave new suffering behind.
Hate has only the power in which it was given
and with the choice of faith,eventually its presence will be ridden.
For those who can,spread the word: this gift is one-size-fits-all.
We have the choice to forgive and live this theme; it's universal!
He wobbles to-and-fro and sways side-to-side
Bob is a victim,just the same as we can be
Watching him limp,a could of one like you or me..
Slowly,up the tree he goes and I hold my breath
for certainly one misstep would bring about his death
I feel the pain inside of him,only three feet on a branch..
and very soon I find myself emerged within a trance
I find a boy named Robert;Bob is what he's called.
Optimistic,unscathed by life,but then I am appalled..
Now he lives on city streets and while he has that name,
with no parents to call him it,it's truly all the same.
People pass poor Bob every single day,
but regardless of his homelessness,no notice will they pay.
It is he who wants to cry out after the hit and run..
He saw the people drive away;I knew this was their fun.
I pray he thinks they're inattentive and that they somehow didn't know,
yet I saw it then,a hidden spite that eyes will sometimes show.
Poor Bob,I wanted to hold him then,convey the love of life,
but I was a ghost,my voice was lost within my fruitless strife.
I could barely withstand the torture of seeing him bleed out,
but for the very life of me,I could not make a sound.
Bob is on the tree again,though he's once more a squirrel,
and now I have my voice with me,the power to change the world.
After struggling for quite a bit,he jumps from tree-to-roof,
and though still out of reach to me,he armed me with a truth.
I am a single person blessed with the gift of love
We are many people and together we'll rise above
You see, we are all victims of a single person's hate
that only seemed so powerful because it formed a chain..
It spread like an infection and we unknowingly let it in
and while I'm just a person who recognized the sin..
We can stand together,combining heart and mind..
We can join hands and leave new suffering behind.
Hate has only the power in which it was given
and with the choice of faith,eventually its presence will be ridden.
For those who can,spread the word: this gift is one-size-fits-all.
We have the choice to forgive and live this theme; it's universal!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
because I know what the self is
I know what perception is
I know what it truly means to be human
and what all behavior is
why people do what they do
regardless of their situations
regardless of their biology
I know the commonalities in thought process we all share, and what our
biases are by understanding what leads us to think we are different
they appear to be vast, but in actuality, they can be attributed to one
EXTREMELY obvious thing.
the brain grows through making connections, neural pathways, learning to track
patterns, and to develop schemas
the more times a person observes a particularly common pattern(or a pattern
under the threshold of JND,just noticeable difference, which is said to be a
1:10 ratio),
the stronger a connection in our mind grows, and the more strongly we
rely on that pattern
like a path in a forest
at first, it’s grassy, no road, no people, no footprints, kinda rough, and
definitely awkward
one person comes, looking for novelty
they walk that path once, there is a single trail of footprints.. not much, but
a slight impression has been made on the ground
every once and awhile that person deviates from their normal path, the
one other than the new one, to walk the same path because they found it
to be particularly soothing to escape the mundane when they are physically
feeling stressed out
after visiting the path repeatedly, the grass is increasingly worn down, and
you start to see the ground.. the path is more obviously a path
a few more start noticing the novelty of it, and start following that
path, too, at scattered intervals, while it became increasingly habitual to
the first person
the first person doesn't know necessarily others are using that path
but it rapidly becomes the main path for that person, because they became
accustomed to resorting to it in times where they needed relief for stress.
the path itself took on a special meaning to them, and so, every time they
took that path, they felt.. happier, and less stressed, simply because it offered
this strange sense of security and comfort
other people just see it as a convenience, and don't understand that it was
never technically an objective path.. PLACED there by god for their
they tend to think,"Hey, it's the worn path, therefore it's the proper one. It
was there and I didn't create it, therefore it must have some value greater
than just the value I could give something. It's especially profound."
the one person who took the path initially discovers other people are
taking it, and more and more people have heard about the magical path
that was made by God
a few people try to object, saying it wasn't a path, but the majority chimes
in to say "HE LIES. I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES! STONE HIM!!!" He is stoned to
death, and the others quickly learn to shut their mouths, and let people
remain ignorant, keeping peace within themselves by saying "They're just
ignorant idiots who would stone me if I spoke honestly.. Whatever. I know
the truth; I’ll let them wallow in their blissful ignorance."
those people walk a new path, to avoid the noise of the majority, and the
person who originally made the path, realizing what is occurring feels a
great sadness.. he laments for the mess he had created simply because he
was different. He knows, however, that it was not his intention for this to
happen... That he was simply doing what brought him the most comfort, and
that there was no point in speaking the truth now, because the people
would not hear it. They would only hear their own yelling voices that
never shut up long enough to consider an opposing perspective, and being
a rather soft-spoken individual, he knew he didn't have a chance against
the more naturally extraverted majority..
He sighed, and proceeded to promise himself that he would never again
walk one path so long that it becomes comfortable, because it would only
cause the same situation all over again..
he avoids other people, because the truth of what he had done was painful.
he never learns about the fate of the others like him, who were the first to
attempt embracing the novelty he had initially created
those people also begin to realize what had happened, and how grave the
mistake had been between both parties.. they also lament
because they were not at fault for the situation, they realize they could
only be at fault for not attempting to right the wrongs that would cause
the virtuous, truthful, and honest people they had known to lose their lives.
They understand better than anyone what it means to be a martyr
there is a great empathy and compassion towards the ones who had
sacrificed their lives for the sake of "good".. doing all that they knew was
right, to the best of their ability
they identified with them, as opposed to discriminating themselves as
being more distinct
they realized that they were, in truth, not above them, and
continue to lament over the irony unique to the human condition..
they could
and some would continue to lament
others would view the new path of novelty that lied adjacent, and it would be
one of mere inspiration.. an ideal path that they hope, once set
straight, the others would follow alongside them in peace
only the solemn wayfarer would have known what this would bring.. the
reasons why peace could not come to exist in a state of perceptual
he understood that those differences in perception do exist, and that they
are inevitable, but the spirit, the energy that runs through us is pure and indifferent
to circumstance
this would become the burden of him, and a relatively small proportion of
others who committed the same crime out of ignorance
an albatross would hang from all of their necks until few would start to
realize something else
that there was an ideal that wouldn't bring about the same result, and
wouldn't create the same pain
this ideal was.. forgiveness. the action of love. this idea negated the
resentment that the first man had felt, the one that lead him to feel the
need to distinguish the others from himself
it allowed them to fully accept the consequences that had befallen
them, the way he had been as ignorant as they all could possibly be, yet
neutralize the negative energy that he'd left to surround them
and the few began to heal, not only others, but themselves, as they found
new comfort in the wisdom that none of the pain that they could know was
ever their fault to bear, and that in taking it upon themselves, they were
heroes who were saving the self from the pain it willed itself to suffer
from, and that
the more pain they would take from others without allowing themselves to
place blame.. the more they would heal collectively, growing ever closer to
bliss yet again. It was that blame that would symbolically be them accepting
illusion as being only as real as their worst past intention and mistake
could truly be a part of their self,
and to exist in such a state would be more unbearable..
some lives were lost, as they were not shown their own unique path to
forgiveness, and thought following the path of another would suffice
the reality was, following a path already taken could not suffice to the
same meaning when they would walk it with different purpose..
the path to forgiveness only truly open itself in full glory to the few that
had heard its calling ringing in their own ears
the others would suffer by pretending to understand it, yet never receiving
its healing powers by walking it with a purpose that was understood
undoubtedly within their own hearts, and so until they changed their
stubborn insistence that they'd seen the path work for others, they couldn't
see their own truth in front of them. they would first have to accept that
they must know their own path, and learn why the path hadn't worked for
them in the past
and that learning would also take blunder. To not be afraid to fall is
pride. It is foolishness to think that what's not learned can be known, let
alone taught, and it was that exact path that the prideful would take.
The prideful denied their own humanity
there were other divisions of pride that were formed.
there were the apathetic, there were the wrathful, there were the
despondent, there were the envious, there were the willfully lazy, the
willfully ignorant, the fearful cowards, and the self-righteous, gluttonous
individuals, there were those who appeased to sensation. those who denied
their hearts (their feelings), those who denied their minds, those who
denied their bodies, those that denied their bias, those that denied their
purpose, those that denied their reality, those that denied their
thoughts, and they all denied their power to make a difference through
recognizing their similarities through the illusion they shared, they all
attempted to deny the existence of the self as it truly is. this was not their
fault until it was known, but after they had heard, to not heed would be
the price to be paid for such sins would be damnation to an eternity of
suffering in the context of the body. a hell that only they could escape by
discovering the key within themselves and their own faith, by learning to
see through the pain and accept love, and to learning the meaning of the
purpose, rediscovering the path to forgiveness, to know to fight the hate
and the illusion of pain through giving love in return to what they'd
received without expecting to take the same love back in greed, and they
would only then begin to return to nurture and return to their own roots
I know what perception is
I know what it truly means to be human
and what all behavior is
why people do what they do
regardless of their situations
regardless of their biology
I know the commonalities in thought process we all share, and what our
biases are by understanding what leads us to think we are different
they appear to be vast, but in actuality, they can be attributed to one
EXTREMELY obvious thing.
the brain grows through making connections, neural pathways, learning to track
patterns, and to develop schemas
the more times a person observes a particularly common pattern(or a pattern
under the threshold of JND,just noticeable difference, which is said to be a
1:10 ratio),
the stronger a connection in our mind grows, and the more strongly we
rely on that pattern
like a path in a forest
at first, it’s grassy, no road, no people, no footprints, kinda rough, and
definitely awkward
one person comes, looking for novelty
they walk that path once, there is a single trail of footprints.. not much, but
a slight impression has been made on the ground
every once and awhile that person deviates from their normal path, the
one other than the new one, to walk the same path because they found it
to be particularly soothing to escape the mundane when they are physically
feeling stressed out
after visiting the path repeatedly, the grass is increasingly worn down, and
you start to see the ground.. the path is more obviously a path
a few more start noticing the novelty of it, and start following that
path, too, at scattered intervals, while it became increasingly habitual to
the first person
the first person doesn't know necessarily others are using that path
but it rapidly becomes the main path for that person, because they became
accustomed to resorting to it in times where they needed relief for stress.
the path itself took on a special meaning to them, and so, every time they
took that path, they felt.. happier, and less stressed, simply because it offered
this strange sense of security and comfort
other people just see it as a convenience, and don't understand that it was
never technically an objective path.. PLACED there by god for their
they tend to think,"Hey, it's the worn path, therefore it's the proper one. It
was there and I didn't create it, therefore it must have some value greater
than just the value I could give something. It's especially profound."
the one person who took the path initially discovers other people are
taking it, and more and more people have heard about the magical path
that was made by God
a few people try to object, saying it wasn't a path, but the majority chimes
in to say "HE LIES. I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES! STONE HIM!!!" He is stoned to
death, and the others quickly learn to shut their mouths, and let people
remain ignorant, keeping peace within themselves by saying "They're just
ignorant idiots who would stone me if I spoke honestly.. Whatever. I know
the truth; I’ll let them wallow in their blissful ignorance."
those people walk a new path, to avoid the noise of the majority, and the
person who originally made the path, realizing what is occurring feels a
great sadness.. he laments for the mess he had created simply because he
was different. He knows, however, that it was not his intention for this to
happen... That he was simply doing what brought him the most comfort, and
that there was no point in speaking the truth now, because the people
would not hear it. They would only hear their own yelling voices that
never shut up long enough to consider an opposing perspective, and being
a rather soft-spoken individual, he knew he didn't have a chance against
the more naturally extraverted majority..
He sighed, and proceeded to promise himself that he would never again
walk one path so long that it becomes comfortable, because it would only
cause the same situation all over again..
he avoids other people, because the truth of what he had done was painful.
he never learns about the fate of the others like him, who were the first to
attempt embracing the novelty he had initially created
those people also begin to realize what had happened, and how grave the
mistake had been between both parties.. they also lament
because they were not at fault for the situation, they realize they could
only be at fault for not attempting to right the wrongs that would cause
the virtuous, truthful, and honest people they had known to lose their lives.
They understand better than anyone what it means to be a martyr
there is a great empathy and compassion towards the ones who had
sacrificed their lives for the sake of "good".. doing all that they knew was
right, to the best of their ability
they identified with them, as opposed to discriminating themselves as
being more distinct
they realized that they were, in truth, not above them, and
continue to lament over the irony unique to the human condition..
they could
and some would continue to lament
others would view the new path of novelty that lied adjacent, and it would be
one of mere inspiration.. an ideal path that they hope, once set
straight, the others would follow alongside them in peace
only the solemn wayfarer would have known what this would bring.. the
reasons why peace could not come to exist in a state of perceptual
he understood that those differences in perception do exist, and that they
are inevitable, but the spirit, the energy that runs through us is pure and indifferent
to circumstance
this would become the burden of him, and a relatively small proportion of
others who committed the same crime out of ignorance
an albatross would hang from all of their necks until few would start to
realize something else
that there was an ideal that wouldn't bring about the same result, and
wouldn't create the same pain
this ideal was.. forgiveness. the action of love. this idea negated the
resentment that the first man had felt, the one that lead him to feel the
need to distinguish the others from himself
it allowed them to fully accept the consequences that had befallen
them, the way he had been as ignorant as they all could possibly be, yet
neutralize the negative energy that he'd left to surround them
and the few began to heal, not only others, but themselves, as they found
new comfort in the wisdom that none of the pain that they could know was
ever their fault to bear, and that in taking it upon themselves, they were
heroes who were saving the self from the pain it willed itself to suffer
from, and that
the more pain they would take from others without allowing themselves to
place blame.. the more they would heal collectively, growing ever closer to
bliss yet again. It was that blame that would symbolically be them accepting
illusion as being only as real as their worst past intention and mistake
could truly be a part of their self,
and to exist in such a state would be more unbearable..
some lives were lost, as they were not shown their own unique path to
forgiveness, and thought following the path of another would suffice
the reality was, following a path already taken could not suffice to the
same meaning when they would walk it with different purpose..
the path to forgiveness only truly open itself in full glory to the few that
had heard its calling ringing in their own ears
the others would suffer by pretending to understand it, yet never receiving
its healing powers by walking it with a purpose that was understood
undoubtedly within their own hearts, and so until they changed their
stubborn insistence that they'd seen the path work for others, they couldn't
see their own truth in front of them. they would first have to accept that
they must know their own path, and learn why the path hadn't worked for
them in the past
and that learning would also take blunder. To not be afraid to fall is
pride. It is foolishness to think that what's not learned can be known, let
alone taught, and it was that exact path that the prideful would take.
The prideful denied their own humanity
there were other divisions of pride that were formed.
there were the apathetic, there were the wrathful, there were the
despondent, there were the envious, there were the willfully lazy, the
willfully ignorant, the fearful cowards, and the self-righteous, gluttonous
individuals, there were those who appeased to sensation. those who denied
their hearts (their feelings), those who denied their minds, those who
denied their bodies, those that denied their bias, those that denied their
purpose, those that denied their reality, those that denied their
thoughts, and they all denied their power to make a difference through
recognizing their similarities through the illusion they shared, they all
attempted to deny the existence of the self as it truly is. this was not their
fault until it was known, but after they had heard, to not heed would be
the price to be paid for such sins would be damnation to an eternity of
suffering in the context of the body. a hell that only they could escape by
discovering the key within themselves and their own faith, by learning to
see through the pain and accept love, and to learning the meaning of the
purpose, rediscovering the path to forgiveness, to know to fight the hate
and the illusion of pain through giving love in return to what they'd
received without expecting to take the same love back in greed, and they
would only then begin to return to nurture and return to their own roots
Monday, April 26, 2010
The war,not the battle
If liability was ever really the issue, then why is it still a problem when accountability is taken through the signing of a waiver? *Clearly* it's because the real issue was never the possibility of being sued. *Obviously* the issue was personal dislike of other people expressing themselves and excercising their civil liberties when the others' ideals conflict their own.
The problem must then be that there would be a loss of power that the majority would have in supressing the individuality of the minority,and this causes a fear..Fear of anarchy, of chaos,of loss of social acceptance and security. But can't they understand there may exist such a thing of ordered chaos,and that it was upon this principle,in fact,that this very country was founded? Can't they open their eyes to their hypocrisy and the way they're ruthlessly destroying everything it had once meant to be American with their thirst for control?
Change needs to be fought for,now,and by me,otherwise we will only continue to destroy our own freedom with each passing day. I really,REALLY,don't want to standby complacently and watch humanity destroy itself any longer.
The problem must then be that there would be a loss of power that the majority would have in supressing the individuality of the minority,and this causes a fear..Fear of anarchy, of chaos,of loss of social acceptance and security. But can't they understand there may exist such a thing of ordered chaos,and that it was upon this principle,in fact,that this very country was founded? Can't they open their eyes to their hypocrisy and the way they're ruthlessly destroying everything it had once meant to be American with their thirst for control?
Change needs to be fought for,now,and by me,otherwise we will only continue to destroy our own freedom with each passing day. I really,REALLY,don't want to standby complacently and watch humanity destroy itself any longer.
Truth cannot be objective
Truth=value/meaning, value/meaning=subjectively given, subjectively given=relative to perspective, relative to perspective=influenced by difference, influenced by difference=biased,biased=not objective,not objective=not absolute, truth=not absolute
truth=reality, reality=perception of reality,perception of reality=subjective perspective, subjective perspective=bias, bias=personal belief,personal belief=non-objective truth,non-objective truth=non-objective reality,non-objective reality=non-objective value,non-objective value=subjective value, subjective value=meaning of reality, meaning of reality=subjectively given meaning of reality, so..
truth=subjectively given meaning of reality
truth=our subjective interpretation of reality
truth=relative to interpretation from specific perspective of reality
truth =/= objective
Reality =/= absolute
objective truth =/= reality
reality =/= objective reality
meaning =/= truth
however,meaning is the truest truth we could know,so
if meaning=subjective truth,subjective truth=what we define it as,
meaning= what we define it as
but meaning cannot objectively mean anything,
so people really should stop impressing their values on other people
and people should recognize "truth" can only be known subjectively,
and that "knowing truth" is really "knowing bias"
which really means we know nothing, objectively.
When you know everything,you understand nothing(understanding is objective),
so when you understand everything,you must know nothing,and to know nothing,
you must not give meaning or discriminate/bias.
Difference is an illusion,the product of meaning,and the result of the bias that is a part of being human; of perceiving,and acknowledging, difference.
truth=reality, reality=perception of reality,perception of reality=subjective perspective, subjective perspective=bias, bias=personal belief,personal belief=non-objective truth,non-objective truth=non-objective reality,non-objective reality=non-objective value,non-objective value=subjective value, subjective value=meaning of reality, meaning of reality=subjectively given meaning of reality, so..
truth=subjectively given meaning of reality
truth=our subjective interpretation of reality
truth=relative to interpretation from specific perspective of reality
truth =/= objective
Reality =/= absolute
objective truth =/= reality
reality =/= objective reality
meaning =/= truth
however,meaning is the truest truth we could know,so
if meaning=subjective truth,subjective truth=what we define it as,
meaning= what we define it as
but meaning cannot objectively mean anything,
so people really should stop impressing their values on other people
and people should recognize "truth" can only be known subjectively,
and that "knowing truth" is really "knowing bias"
which really means we know nothing, objectively.
When you know everything,you understand nothing(understanding is objective),
so when you understand everything,you must know nothing,and to know nothing,
you must not give meaning or discriminate/bias.
Difference is an illusion,the product of meaning,and the result of the bias that is a part of being human; of perceiving,and acknowledging, difference.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
4D is real. Reading this with an open mind will let you find it as I did. You can hack reality..
1)Life is merely the perception of living.
2)When we view something as being distinct from the self,it becomes seperate from us,and no longer a part of us.
EX: We can't be strictly our actions because our intentions *aren't always properly conveyed* by them. We can't be strictly our intentions for that same reason[DISTANCE/difference]. We aren't our emotions,because we can understand we may feel a certain way *without it automatically defining* how we will act or react to things[RATE/speed of affect]. We can't only be our thoughts,because our thoughts do not always move our bodies, and we can't be our thoughts because our thoughts are symbolized by concepts we've *connected with emotions after learning*[TIME/past vs. present vs. future].We may be the collection of all parts of the self and body we perceive,which is perception that reacts to compensate for the changes of, and influence, the other variables that alter it[PERCEPTION/perceptions of distance,rate,and time].
3)The whole must exceed the sum of its parts if the parts are to be considered distinctly from each other. In order for the perception of truth(1D) and lies(2D) to exist,there must be a third degree(3D) or a third dimension: a degree of relative understanding, to know of the other two degrees and view them as also being distinctly from the whole of the self..
To fully understand what the third degree entails, and be able to seperate from it,there must be a fourth degree(4D) free from a limitation of the third.
4)As a product of perception,every single "truth" we learn must be an illusion and falsity,yet subsequently,it could still the truest truths we could possibly know in the way it would be considered truth.
5)God,to exist in the dimension of perfection or perfect truth,must be free from the sin of perception(bias and discrimination,focusing on only part of a whole set of truths).
-To know everything is to understand nothing.
-To understand everything is to know nothing.
-To know nothing is to understand everything.
-To understand nothing is to know everything.
(also,this explains why people with savants have problems with semantic processing)
6)One cannot understand a meaning objectively,because meaning is the product of subjectivity.
7)Meaning is the product of perception.
8)Perception organizes(defines) physiological sensation.
9)We have 6 senses: vision,hearing,smelling,tasting,kinesthetic, and perception. Perception is the sixth vital sense,because without it would not perceive the others. Perception is our mind's ability to form schemas, connect ideas to each other,and form concepts.. to LEARN and to understand,because we all must learn to understand.
10)The purpose of life,since life without doing it would not be known,is to give life meaning.
11)Objective truth cannot be learned, only known,and it was known to all at birth universally as it is unconditionally true,regardless of situation,and is unaffected by perception or the passing of time.
12) Discovering truth gives us the perception a choice.
13) Every force,every action has an opposing reaction.
14) A universe,functioning under the law of opposing relative forces,must objectively be neutral.
15) Any perception of difference existing in a dimension of neutrality is an illusion.
16) If we realize something is an illusion, we have the option to give it the meaning we choose.
17) Without discovering contrasting differences by finding ways familiar looking situations aren't as similar as they may initially appear,we would not be able to discriminate because we would not have made the effort to identify which details were different when we defined a situation in the past and we would not understand the difference between the past and the present. In not seeking difference, we give up the ability to choose what we believe,and what we believe/expect becomes our reality. This reality denies the passing of time without understanding the consequences of doing so,and causes pain that would eventually lead us back to the pursuit of a deeper understanding. When we give up understanding,we give of the ability to know of choice,and we give up control we may take over our own reality: our perceptions.
18)Objective truth is not affected by perception of truth.
Combining some of the previous concepts...
The universe is not governed by the laws of its inhabitants(the laws change because of time,but the universe is constant,therefore unconditional). The universe is defined by its inhabitants(the definitions are conditional). The universe could not understand its own laws because the universe does not perceive(perception is conditional). Because the universe does not perceive(it displays true objectivity unconditionally,and its state of existence is unaffected by the flow of time and what happens in our personal lives),it permits all possible definitions to be given(the passage of time to be perceived). The laws of the universe experienced by its inhabitants reflect all possibilities of subjective truth to be given,yet none of these are objectively true. Subjective truth cannot be objective. Subjective truth is all we can personally know,but objective truth is experienced by all and is not personal. Objective truth is that perception exists and that all consequences of perception exist mutually. Objective truth is partially the idea that because of difference,no man can know everything,and all men must learn to make sense of that which isn't objectively true and automatically known. Subjective and objective truth are inversely related. The greater degree to which we discriminate,the more biased we are by perception, the less open we are to the accepting the whole of truth. If seeking truth is our meaning,however.. then you must give up meaning to find it,and sacrifice the hope of gain.
The typical human mind cannot tolerate the idea of its body's senseless suffering. Afterall,without sensing,how could we perceive suffering? It is wired to react to pain because it is wired to perceive it. It is wired that way as a product of evolution. Evolution exists because we exist in a dimension of perceived change.. it's the product of energy reacting to energy to preserve neutrality.
Objects don't MAKE sense;our perception makes sense of our body's sensing of objects.
Stimuli don't MAKE sense;our perception makes sense of our body's sensing of stimuli(sensation).
Stimuli are sensed,then defined.
So,we may come to the conclusion that:
We have to feel to make sense of feeling, and we have to have felt to make sense of what we feel.
We have to feel(sense) to make sense(determine meaning) of a feeling(sense),
and we have to have felt(sensed) to make sense(determine meaning) of what we feel(sense).
We have to have felt(sensed) to know(determine meaning) of feeling(sensing).
We have to have experienced sensation before to define,or determine the meaning of, what experiencing sensation means.
The mind cannot define what it has never known to be experience.
But if we define(discriminate from novelty) that we have defined the meaning of sensation before(that the past is different because this time the meaning had already been defined), we discover we have the choice to redefine the situation(discriminate,determine new meaning),or reinforce the same meaning we had already discovered before.
Time could not exist without perception,and perception(difference) could not perceive existence without the perception of time and the perception of rate of change.
Distance(perception of) by(multiplied by) Rate(perception of) is(equals) Time(the perception of)
Distance= D, Rate= R, Time=T,Perception= p,by= multiplication,of= multiplied by,and equals= "="
Dp=Rp x Tp
Rp= Dp / Tp
Tp= Dp / Rp
Also,distance per(/) time=speed (ex: miles per hour),so rate=speed.
As opposed to 3 conditions(degrees) of reality, there are actually 4 conditions(degrees). The fourth dimension(4D) is perception. Lacking any of these variables,none of them would be known to exist.
2)When we view something as being distinct from the self,it becomes seperate from us,and no longer a part of us.
EX: We can't be strictly our actions because our intentions *aren't always properly conveyed* by them. We can't be strictly our intentions for that same reason[DISTANCE/difference]. We aren't our emotions,because we can understand we may feel a certain way *without it automatically defining* how we will act or react to things[RATE/speed of affect]. We can't only be our thoughts,because our thoughts do not always move our bodies, and we can't be our thoughts because our thoughts are symbolized by concepts we've *connected with emotions after learning*[TIME/past vs. present vs. future].We may be the collection of all parts of the self and body we perceive,which is perception that reacts to compensate for the changes of, and influence, the other variables that alter it[PERCEPTION/perceptions of distance,rate,and time].
3)The whole must exceed the sum of its parts if the parts are to be considered distinctly from each other. In order for the perception of truth(1D) and lies(2D) to exist,there must be a third degree(3D) or a third dimension: a degree of relative understanding, to know of the other two degrees and view them as also being distinctly from the whole of the self..
To fully understand what the third degree entails, and be able to seperate from it,there must be a fourth degree(4D) free from a limitation of the third.
4)As a product of perception,every single "truth" we learn must be an illusion and falsity,yet subsequently,it could still the truest truths we could possibly know in the way it would be considered truth.
5)God,to exist in the dimension of perfection or perfect truth,must be free from the sin of perception(bias and discrimination,focusing on only part of a whole set of truths).
-To know everything is to understand nothing.
-To understand everything is to know nothing.
-To know nothing is to understand everything.
-To understand nothing is to know everything.
(also,this explains why people with savants have problems with semantic processing)
6)One cannot understand a meaning objectively,because meaning is the product of subjectivity.
7)Meaning is the product of perception.
8)Perception organizes(defines) physiological sensation.
9)We have 6 senses: vision,hearing,smelling,tasting,kinesthetic, and perception. Perception is the sixth vital sense,because without it would not perceive the others. Perception is our mind's ability to form schemas, connect ideas to each other,and form concepts.. to LEARN and to understand,because we all must learn to understand.
10)The purpose of life,since life without doing it would not be known,is to give life meaning.
11)Objective truth cannot be learned, only known,and it was known to all at birth universally as it is unconditionally true,regardless of situation,and is unaffected by perception or the passing of time.
12) Discovering truth gives us the perception a choice.
13) Every force,every action has an opposing reaction.
14) A universe,functioning under the law of opposing relative forces,must objectively be neutral.
15) Any perception of difference existing in a dimension of neutrality is an illusion.
16) If we realize something is an illusion, we have the option to give it the meaning we choose.
17) Without discovering contrasting differences by finding ways familiar looking situations aren't as similar as they may initially appear,we would not be able to discriminate because we would not have made the effort to identify which details were different when we defined a situation in the past and we would not understand the difference between the past and the present. In not seeking difference, we give up the ability to choose what we believe,and what we believe/expect becomes our reality. This reality denies the passing of time without understanding the consequences of doing so,and causes pain that would eventually lead us back to the pursuit of a deeper understanding. When we give up understanding,we give of the ability to know of choice,and we give up control we may take over our own reality: our perceptions.
18)Objective truth is not affected by perception of truth.
Combining some of the previous concepts...
The universe is not governed by the laws of its inhabitants(the laws change because of time,but the universe is constant,therefore unconditional). The universe is defined by its inhabitants(the definitions are conditional). The universe could not understand its own laws because the universe does not perceive(perception is conditional). Because the universe does not perceive(it displays true objectivity unconditionally,and its state of existence is unaffected by the flow of time and what happens in our personal lives),it permits all possible definitions to be given(the passage of time to be perceived). The laws of the universe experienced by its inhabitants reflect all possibilities of subjective truth to be given,yet none of these are objectively true. Subjective truth cannot be objective. Subjective truth is all we can personally know,but objective truth is experienced by all and is not personal. Objective truth is that perception exists and that all consequences of perception exist mutually. Objective truth is partially the idea that because of difference,no man can know everything,and all men must learn to make sense of that which isn't objectively true and automatically known. Subjective and objective truth are inversely related. The greater degree to which we discriminate,the more biased we are by perception, the less open we are to the accepting the whole of truth. If seeking truth is our meaning,however.. then you must give up meaning to find it,and sacrifice the hope of gain.
The typical human mind cannot tolerate the idea of its body's senseless suffering. Afterall,without sensing,how could we perceive suffering? It is wired to react to pain because it is wired to perceive it. It is wired that way as a product of evolution. Evolution exists because we exist in a dimension of perceived change.. it's the product of energy reacting to energy to preserve neutrality.
Objects don't MAKE sense;our perception makes sense of our body's sensing of objects.
Stimuli don't MAKE sense;our perception makes sense of our body's sensing of stimuli(sensation).
Stimuli are sensed,then defined.
So,we may come to the conclusion that:
We have to feel to make sense of feeling, and we have to have felt to make sense of what we feel.
We have to feel(sense) to make sense(determine meaning) of a feeling(sense),
and we have to have felt(sensed) to make sense(determine meaning) of what we feel(sense).
We have to have felt(sensed) to know(determine meaning) of feeling(sensing).
We have to have experienced sensation before to define,or determine the meaning of, what experiencing sensation means.
The mind cannot define what it has never known to be experience.
But if we define(discriminate from novelty) that we have defined the meaning of sensation before(that the past is different because this time the meaning had already been defined), we discover we have the choice to redefine the situation(discriminate,determine new meaning),or reinforce the same meaning we had already discovered before.
Time could not exist without perception,and perception(difference) could not perceive existence without the perception of time and the perception of rate of change.
Distance(perception of) by(multiplied by) Rate(perception of) is(equals) Time(the perception of)
Distance= D, Rate= R, Time=T,Perception= p,by= multiplication,of= multiplied by,and equals= "="
Dp=Rp x Tp
Rp= Dp / Tp
Tp= Dp / Rp
Also,distance per(/) time=speed (ex: miles per hour),so rate=speed.
As opposed to 3 conditions(degrees) of reality, there are actually 4 conditions(degrees). The fourth dimension(4D) is perception. Lacking any of these variables,none of them would be known to exist.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Taking Hollistic Studies just a step further.. THEN THERE WAS PSYCHOPHYSICS AND ANTIREDUCTIONISM! BAM!(just like Emeril Laggase)
Jacqueline Guerrero
Irony. Cite it here. Btw,this is such anti-mainstream cutting edge scientific theory,it's not even taught in class yet. And it's only now being discovered and applied by a select few. Oh yeah,I also discovered the theory through my own means of logic without ever having heard of it,and I discovered it on google by knowing the definition before I knew the term. Harharhar...
Heck yeah,look who's sticking it to the bell-curve >:D
Not to mention,all my theorizing has been based on this sense I was like..4... So,um,I think I have a slight advantage to modern day theorists,because I know..never had to learn how to think differently and saw everything through this perspective anyway? The only difficultly is the process of objective description through a consistent type of explanation that couldn't be misconstrued and justified by ambiguous form. I was thinking math would be a good path,so I've been teaching myself calculus by thoroughly studying the syntax of the English language since.. well,since at very least last year....
I see everything like calculus because I understand how every variable of life/perception is connected. I see how everything,all perceived difference,is illusion and truth simulataneously,and how the collective output of the system of reality.. is neutral. We exist in change in neutrality. Also,4D is the absense of perceptual difference,and total and complete acceptance that all truth is illusion as truth= reality,reality=perception,perception=bias,and bias=focusing on particulars through discimination.
4D would be the next step:
focusing on particulars through discrimination=not seeing the whole picture.. therefore.. focusing on particulars through discrimination=not seeing the whole truth.
which means that so long as perception exists,difference is perceived(though it is an illusion as it is truth in falsely subjective understanding),and so long as difference is perceived,full objective truth cannot be known. If full objective truth ever could be known,it would be in a state devoid of meaning and focus,and nothing would.. really make "sense" then,would it? We would not be able to give value to sensation(sensory bombardment and selective focus breakdown/maybe symptems of schizophrenia),and.. we would lapse back into some form of understanding.
Doesn't it make sense? We began knowing nothing,yet we knew everything.. and the truth is objective truth is consistent,regardless of subjective conditions.. the fact that we at one point did not know *cannot* be changed,as it was once a fact.. and in ways,it will always be a fact..but in the moment,we will never full understand it because we're outside of the same moment in which it actually WAS. And if it were to return,well,we would simply not know. This is why time is not consistent,perception is not persistent,and reality is not realistic. Time is perception of space,and space is the illusion that is the product of energy reactions. The self is the energy,the reactions produce the perception we experience,and so.. the self will never fade. The self,for all,is truly the same,when seperated from actions and physical matter itself,and may be regarded as the spirit,the holy,or human,spirit.. or "god". And so we were made in his image. We were made in his image because we reflected his image back to himself so that he would learn what he was through seeing through our eyes. God's purpose is also ours: to preserve the joys of meaning and to defend the perception of choice. After all.. without that perception of difference,what would both he,you,and I really be? None of us would know.. None of us could see...
We must fight to save the essence of the holy spirit,and the key characteristic of humanity that has helped us survive,like it would any animal,but has allowed us to understand the most: the meaning that would tell a mother why killing her baby on a whim when upset by its crying is a BAD thing.. The thing people in society today are becoming increasingly less sensitive to and willing themselves to become ever more ignorant of by closing their minds and hearts.. a defense mechanism of pain we'll inevitable experience,but we typically wouldn't know better than to blame our humanity for. With nuclear devastation in our wake, we must reconnect with what has prevented our own doom,lest we will it upon ourselves through choosing not to take the initiative on individual levels.. By choosing not to experience pain,we collectively destroy our ability to experience any joy,love,passion,any ambition,and any purpose.. this is rejecting God. This is rejecting our spirit and the fact of our humanity. I don't care what God you worship,but to deny truth,love,forgiveness,all the good of humanity,is no good service to anybody,and the quicker you stop deluding yourself,claiming to advocate some perverted form of martyrdom, the sooner we can transcend the pain of delusion within illusion. Our pain is by our own hands! Wake up people! Wake up now and see your choices;all the control you were never taught you had! You hold more power than you would have ever had otherwise realized. Every consequence comes with a reflecting attribute,and by your choice,you can see the positive in all inverse relations,accept it's no more true than the negative,yet still choose to value it despite that fact because this lie is the truest truth we could ever know!
Distance=Rate x Time
perceived amount of space= distance= rate x time
perceived amount of space=perception of space(let's just call that "perception")
Perception=rate x time
rate=perceived degree of change(relative difference)
perceived degree of relative change in difference = speed of change
rate of change= (amount of)perception of space/relative perspective
degree of change=degree of space/relative degree of difference
[degree of space= degree of change x relative degree of difference]<--must be considered in terms of perception because it is a product of perception.
Dp=Rp x Tp
and without the variable of perception,the variable of *bias/discrimination*,
none of the variables would exist in a real(objective) display of logic because we wouldn't perceive them existing. Since they are founded on subjective bias(perception), these things will be perceived differently to everybody, but to relative and equivalent extents(based on a sort of ratio)applicable strictly within their own modes of logic. This is why this type of logic can be understood.. yet it cannot universally be explained to be the same thing,technically. It can't be portrayed consistently in an objective way.. Not when it is fundamentally understood and experienced through subjective means.
The commonality that vaguely lets us come to understand each other is the proportional value..
Irony. Cite it here. Btw,this is such anti-mainstream cutting edge scientific theory,it's not even taught in class yet. And it's only now being discovered and applied by a select few. Oh yeah,I also discovered the theory through my own means of logic without ever having heard of it,and I discovered it on google by knowing the definition before I knew the term. Harharhar...
Heck yeah,look who's sticking it to the bell-curve >:D
Not to mention,all my theorizing has been based on this sense I was like..4... So,um,I think I have a slight advantage to modern day theorists,because I know..never had to learn how to think differently and saw everything through this perspective anyway? The only difficultly is the process of objective description through a consistent type of explanation that couldn't be misconstrued and justified by ambiguous form. I was thinking math would be a good path,so I've been teaching myself calculus by thoroughly studying the syntax of the English language since.. well,since at very least last year....
I see everything like calculus because I understand how every variable of life/perception is connected. I see how everything,all perceived difference,is illusion and truth simulataneously,and how the collective output of the system of reality.. is neutral. We exist in change in neutrality. Also,4D is the absense of perceptual difference,and total and complete acceptance that all truth is illusion as truth= reality,reality=perception,perception=bias,and bias=focusing on particulars through discimination.
4D would be the next step:
focusing on particulars through discrimination=not seeing the whole picture.. therefore.. focusing on particulars through discrimination=not seeing the whole truth.
which means that so long as perception exists,difference is perceived(though it is an illusion as it is truth in falsely subjective understanding),and so long as difference is perceived,full objective truth cannot be known. If full objective truth ever could be known,it would be in a state devoid of meaning and focus,and nothing would.. really make "sense" then,would it? We would not be able to give value to sensation(sensory bombardment and selective focus breakdown/maybe symptems of schizophrenia),and.. we would lapse back into some form of understanding.
Doesn't it make sense? We began knowing nothing,yet we knew everything.. and the truth is objective truth is consistent,regardless of subjective conditions.. the fact that we at one point did not know *cannot* be changed,as it was once a fact.. and in ways,it will always be a fact..but in the moment,we will never full understand it because we're outside of the same moment in which it actually WAS. And if it were to return,well,we would simply not know. This is why time is not consistent,perception is not persistent,and reality is not realistic. Time is perception of space,and space is the illusion that is the product of energy reactions. The self is the energy,the reactions produce the perception we experience,and so.. the self will never fade. The self,for all,is truly the same,when seperated from actions and physical matter itself,and may be regarded as the spirit,the holy,or human,spirit.. or "god". And so we were made in his image. We were made in his image because we reflected his image back to himself so that he would learn what he was through seeing through our eyes. God's purpose is also ours: to preserve the joys of meaning and to defend the perception of choice. After all.. without that perception of difference,what would both he,you,and I really be? None of us would know.. None of us could see...
We must fight to save the essence of the holy spirit,and the key characteristic of humanity that has helped us survive,like it would any animal,but has allowed us to understand the most: the meaning that would tell a mother why killing her baby on a whim when upset by its crying is a BAD thing.. The thing people in society today are becoming increasingly less sensitive to and willing themselves to become ever more ignorant of by closing their minds and hearts.. a defense mechanism of pain we'll inevitable experience,but we typically wouldn't know better than to blame our humanity for. With nuclear devastation in our wake, we must reconnect with what has prevented our own doom,lest we will it upon ourselves through choosing not to take the initiative on individual levels.. By choosing not to experience pain,we collectively destroy our ability to experience any joy,love,passion,any ambition,and any purpose.. this is rejecting God. This is rejecting our spirit and the fact of our humanity. I don't care what God you worship,but to deny truth,love,forgiveness,all the good of humanity,is no good service to anybody,and the quicker you stop deluding yourself,claiming to advocate some perverted form of martyrdom, the sooner we can transcend the pain of delusion within illusion. Our pain is by our own hands! Wake up people! Wake up now and see your choices;all the control you were never taught you had! You hold more power than you would have ever had otherwise realized. Every consequence comes with a reflecting attribute,and by your choice,you can see the positive in all inverse relations,accept it's no more true than the negative,yet still choose to value it despite that fact because this lie is the truest truth we could ever know!
Distance=Rate x Time
perceived amount of space= distance= rate x time
perceived amount of space=perception of space(let's just call that "perception")
Perception=rate x time
rate=perceived degree of change(relative difference)
perceived degree of relative change in difference = speed of change
rate of change= (amount of)perception of space/relative perspective
degree of change=degree of space/relative degree of difference
[degree of space= degree of change x relative degree of difference]<--must be considered in terms of perception because it is a product of perception.
Dp=Rp x Tp
and without the variable of perception,the variable of *bias/discrimination*,
none of the variables would exist in a real(objective) display of logic because we wouldn't perceive them existing. Since they are founded on subjective bias(perception), these things will be perceived differently to everybody, but to relative and equivalent extents(based on a sort of ratio)applicable strictly within their own modes of logic. This is why this type of logic can be understood.. yet it cannot universally be explained to be the same thing,technically. It can't be portrayed consistently in an objective way.. Not when it is fundamentally understood and experienced through subjective means.
The commonality that vaguely lets us come to understand each other is the proportional value..
Friday, April 9, 2010
Nature Vs. Nuture
I believe these both have a significant influence on the developement of personality. Nature determines our physical make-up, while environment sets a sense of drive. If people in the surrounding environent are less motivated, then the person, unless exposed to some outside ideology, is more inclined to take on that type of attribute. People are all quite individualistic, for the most part; however, it is much easier to follow a preset way of acting and etc. as we take on a sense of security in groups. It makes many people uncomfortable to stand on the opposing side of a majority. And because of this, there is a fear of non-conformity, even because of societies stress on the importance of material values. But at the same time, we each have the ability to step up and disagree with something if we feel a strong enough dissonance in our way of living. We, as humans, generally don't like to be wrong or be disproved, so we like to assume we are wrong when contradicted by a majority. The way nature plays into this is because people discriminate or treat people differently, stereotyping based on genetic dispositions and reputations. For example, the black population may be given different expectations from the eyes of society based on racial discrimination or generalization, and after being told they are less likely to suceed, may feel less confident in their abilities and accept the stereotype instead of fighting against it. Yet other disagree so strongly with the stereotype that they do everything in their power to overcome it, and try to help others understand that it's something they shouldn't accept. I am an adopted caucasian child into a racially mixed family. Each member is of a different race. I know if I was not born white, I would be presented with a different environment and be treated differently by peers, and even fit in to a different social clique, holding true to different values and standards. But at the same time, if I wasn't a part of my family, I would also have a different group of friends, and be a completely different person. Even though I disagree with my family on many issues, it was in that environment I learned to disagree. I learned at young age that people are different, maybe because of our different biological features. I discovered that much in the way our skin was different, our minds we different as well. Even if we grew up in the same home, the way we each responded to different situations was unique. Because of what we experienced in our mind, and in our environment, we made different decisions. As long as I have been able to, I have tried to look at as many different perspectives as possible. Though some of them had similarities, there are none that are exactly the same. No two people are the same and can agree with each other on every single topic. It's just the way we are.
I felt I should interject here to mention I am not conciously thinking anymore. If I'm being repetitive or unlogical, I apologize. The point of this now is to realize where my altered state of conciousness carries me. Everything I type is more of a matter of impulse and intuition. This happens sometimes, and afterwards, I fear to read just what it is I have written as I often think my writings are profound, only to discover that they are completely nonsensical. I am in an altered state of conciousness, but I am not under the influence.
Maybe our biological conditions of disorders like depression and bipolar and etc. arise from the emotional stimulus. In otherwords, maybe a low level of serotonin is not the cause of depression, but depression is the cause of low serotonin, and depression is caused by our thoughts. And our train of thoughts is in turn influenced by the initial thought and where we choose to let it lead us. So maybe all a low level or serotonin indicates is the inclination to continue following a train of thought, or shows the path of thought we have chosen. Biological insight may just show what is going on in our mind, not determine what will happen in our mental processes.. Did anyone ever look into this? So maybe when people are experiencing mania, the brain does not first show symptoms, but we first walk down the road and begin to experience the symptoms, only for the brain to then reflect what it is we are currently experiencing. We don't vomit before we start to feel ill, we feel ill then we vomit. We have a sense that we are going to experience something and then it happens. Intuition. The placebo effect. We know before it happens. The thought arises, then the symptom. Because of our beliefs, how much we expect something to occur, it either does or doesn't. Think it will happen, and it very likely will. Think it happened, and it did. Doubt it happened, then it might have. Doubt give leeway to rationality. Without assuming, we leave room for possibilities, and the chance to rule out the least rational choice. But insanity is an extreme lack of doubt. Beliefs that are so fixed that no outside force can change them. And overbundance of confidence. This is why they say the first sign of insanity is denial, but then insanity isn't really insanity. It's just a mental rigidness.. It's not the inability to see another perspective, it's the choice to believe the one they do see. If I want to believe I was god, nobody but myself can disprove this idea. They can use any logic they want to disprove me, but I don't have to listen to them or even believe logic is real. I could believe this is all a dream, and people could preach it's not a dream every day for the rest of my life and I could ignore them and die thinking it was all a dream and no one could prove me wrong until after I'm "dead".
Right now I am treading a thin line. I recognize my thoughts are not using controlled logic, and very well could be(and probably are) blasphemy. But my willingness to doubt myself as opposed to simply running with a train of ideas, accepting them all as what must be truth is wearing thin. It's hard to keep two seperate senses of concious running simultaneously without one overshadowing the other. Or without losing yourself to the prevailing sense. It's exceedingly difficult... my lack of communicating my ideas is begining to wear me down. I don't even know why it's so taxing.......
Posted by HiMyNameIsDead at 7:40 PM
I believe these both have a significant influence on the developement of personality. Nature determines our physical make-up, while environment sets a sense of drive. If people in the surrounding environent are less motivated, then the person, unless exposed to some outside ideology, is more inclined to take on that type of attribute. People are all quite individualistic, for the most part; however, it is much easier to follow a preset way of acting and etc. as we take on a sense of security in groups. It makes many people uncomfortable to stand on the opposing side of a majority. And because of this, there is a fear of non-conformity, even because of societies stress on the importance of material values. But at the same time, we each have the ability to step up and disagree with something if we feel a strong enough dissonance in our way of living. We, as humans, generally don't like to be wrong or be disproved, so we like to assume we are wrong when contradicted by a majority. The way nature plays into this is because people discriminate or treat people differently, stereotyping based on genetic dispositions and reputations. For example, the black population may be given different expectations from the eyes of society based on racial discrimination or generalization, and after being told they are less likely to suceed, may feel less confident in their abilities and accept the stereotype instead of fighting against it. Yet other disagree so strongly with the stereotype that they do everything in their power to overcome it, and try to help others understand that it's something they shouldn't accept. I am an adopted caucasian child into a racially mixed family. Each member is of a different race. I know if I was not born white, I would be presented with a different environment and be treated differently by peers, and even fit in to a different social clique, holding true to different values and standards. But at the same time, if I wasn't a part of my family, I would also have a different group of friends, and be a completely different person. Even though I disagree with my family on many issues, it was in that environment I learned to disagree. I learned at young age that people are different, maybe because of our different biological features. I discovered that much in the way our skin was different, our minds we different as well. Even if we grew up in the same home, the way we each responded to different situations was unique. Because of what we experienced in our mind, and in our environment, we made different decisions. As long as I have been able to, I have tried to look at as many different perspectives as possible. Though some of them had similarities, there are none that are exactly the same. No two people are the same and can agree with each other on every single topic. It's just the way we are.
I felt I should interject here to mention I am not conciously thinking anymore. If I'm being repetitive or unlogical, I apologize. The point of this now is to realize where my altered state of conciousness carries me. Everything I type is more of a matter of impulse and intuition. This happens sometimes, and afterwards, I fear to read just what it is I have written as I often think my writings are profound, only to discover that they are completely nonsensical. I am in an altered state of conciousness, but I am not under the influence.
Maybe our biological conditions of disorders like depression and bipolar and etc. arise from the emotional stimulus. In otherwords, maybe a low level of serotonin is not the cause of depression, but depression is the cause of low serotonin, and depression is caused by our thoughts. And our train of thoughts is in turn influenced by the initial thought and where we choose to let it lead us. So maybe all a low level or serotonin indicates is the inclination to continue following a train of thought, or shows the path of thought we have chosen. Biological insight may just show what is going on in our mind, not determine what will happen in our mental processes.. Did anyone ever look into this? So maybe when people are experiencing mania, the brain does not first show symptoms, but we first walk down the road and begin to experience the symptoms, only for the brain to then reflect what it is we are currently experiencing. We don't vomit before we start to feel ill, we feel ill then we vomit. We have a sense that we are going to experience something and then it happens. Intuition. The placebo effect. We know before it happens. The thought arises, then the symptom. Because of our beliefs, how much we expect something to occur, it either does or doesn't. Think it will happen, and it very likely will. Think it happened, and it did. Doubt it happened, then it might have. Doubt give leeway to rationality. Without assuming, we leave room for possibilities, and the chance to rule out the least rational choice. But insanity is an extreme lack of doubt. Beliefs that are so fixed that no outside force can change them. And overbundance of confidence. This is why they say the first sign of insanity is denial, but then insanity isn't really insanity. It's just a mental rigidness.. It's not the inability to see another perspective, it's the choice to believe the one they do see. If I want to believe I was god, nobody but myself can disprove this idea. They can use any logic they want to disprove me, but I don't have to listen to them or even believe logic is real. I could believe this is all a dream, and people could preach it's not a dream every day for the rest of my life and I could ignore them and die thinking it was all a dream and no one could prove me wrong until after I'm "dead".
Right now I am treading a thin line. I recognize my thoughts are not using controlled logic, and very well could be(and probably are) blasphemy. But my willingness to doubt myself as opposed to simply running with a train of ideas, accepting them all as what must be truth is wearing thin. It's hard to keep two seperate senses of concious running simultaneously without one overshadowing the other. Or without losing yourself to the prevailing sense. It's exceedingly difficult... my lack of communicating my ideas is begining to wear me down. I don't even know why it's so taxing.......
Posted by HiMyNameIsDead at 7:40 PM
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Why God may need our forgiveness..
Me:I'm making it,because I have reasons to live beyond myself.
and they won't fade,like my,feeling of being loved,optimism,whatever
in those times
I always,always have that hope to cling onto
Her:Hope is good. It's what humanity thrives off of.
that's why I live to give it to others who would be like me
I truly believe
God must need MY forgiveness..
Those Chirstians would be all over your ass right now for that statement.
Me:well.. maybe
look at jesus
he was born to suffer the whole time,too
but wouldn't he have had to forgive the father who willed him to suffer so much?
wouldn't he have to forgive the people who put him through so much?
"Forgive them father,for they know not what they do.."
I see.
Me:if I can live
through the worst depressions,the worst falls in mood,without..
feelings that a truly my own,they simply MUST be a gift from God,if not a curse.. but it depends on what you make of it
and if I don't make something good out of this,and look beyond the moment,live for other people.. I truly have nothing to live for.
that's why in my life
I can be a hero,or I can be totally worthless
if not someone who causes myself all the same pain others have caused me/I suffer through
Me:but anybody can be a hero,too
I'm not special
I'm not better
I'm not oblivious to making mistakes cause I'm human and I KNOW that
god,I'm rambling again.. I'm sorry
Her:It's quite fine with me.
I see what you say, and I agree.
Anyone can be a hero
The difference is...
While anyone can be a hero, only those who act for those truly good deeds can be heros. They actually did do something, rather than leaving themselves at just "potential," you know?
Me:yeah,but you see
it doesn't take something profound
to forgive.. it's all it takes..
to forgive others.
to forgive people for being human
because humans make mistakes,especially out of not knowing
but we can't blame them for being born one way or another
Her:Making mistakes is the only way we learn.
not only that
but people blame other people for what they know to be true
it's so illogical
people are raised a certain way,not because they chose to be,it's not like they chose to be born into their shoes,their perspective
so if people are rude,they call me crazy,or you
they were taught that by somebody who had learned it,and they learned to trust those who taught it
that's not their fault,either..
and we can't hate people for not forgiving
because they just don't know..
but if we don't forgive when we know we have the choice..
that's a sin we will upon ourselves.. we reject humanity
and even I have trouble forgiving myself.
but this is why.. we can save the world
we just have to teach people something that's already in all their holy books
the action of love. forgiveness
open their eyes to what it really is~!
My friend,did you know anger is a choice?
Her:....I never thought of it that way.
pain creates anger naturally
when we don't realize what it is
a defense mechanism against hurt
same with apathy
Never thought of it that way, either.
Me:but if we realize it,when we start feeling those things,we can take a step back
we can make the choice,because we realize we have the power :D
and that's why there's hope for people
it's true that
eventually our species may go extinct
perhaps by our own hands,perhaps from some mistake,perhaps not
but the longer we prolong our existence
the longer we promote love,forgiveness,the less we will have to suffer when eventually we do go extinct,because you know how I said we are all energy?
Me:well,eventually the energy will go back into the universe and circulate through reactions until it manifests into a state of consciouness
Her:Caps lock was on.
Me:it's okay,I figured xD
and once it does..
we'll exist in a state of knowing unique to that type of.. being
if we were a tree,we'd have the awareness of a tree
if we were an animal,we'd have the awareness of an animal
human,the same,we'd exist in the body of that human.. live life,experience emotions because of others
the more love we're shown,the happier life we'll lead. if humans all died,we'd have to painstakingly tredge through the whole evolutionary process again just to reach an equivalent point
because energy always exists.
law of conservation,of our universe,of the state of perception we exist in
I'm not so good at the whole "theory of life" thing. I'm lucky it's not that hard in bio righ tnow.
Well, I gtg
Me:well,this whole revelation came with the drawing of the mandala
Her:Finishing HW.
and they won't fade,like my,feeling of being loved,optimism,whatever
in those times
I always,always have that hope to cling onto
Her:Hope is good. It's what humanity thrives off of.
that's why I live to give it to others who would be like me
I truly believe
God must need MY forgiveness..
Those Chirstians would be all over your ass right now for that statement.
Me:well.. maybe
look at jesus
he was born to suffer the whole time,too
but wouldn't he have had to forgive the father who willed him to suffer so much?
wouldn't he have to forgive the people who put him through so much?
"Forgive them father,for they know not what they do.."
I see.
Me:if I can live
through the worst depressions,the worst falls in mood,without..
feelings that a truly my own,they simply MUST be a gift from God,if not a curse.. but it depends on what you make of it
and if I don't make something good out of this,and look beyond the moment,live for other people.. I truly have nothing to live for.
that's why in my life
I can be a hero,or I can be totally worthless
if not someone who causes myself all the same pain others have caused me/I suffer through
Me:but anybody can be a hero,too
I'm not special
I'm not better
I'm not oblivious to making mistakes cause I'm human and I KNOW that
god,I'm rambling again.. I'm sorry
Her:It's quite fine with me.
I see what you say, and I agree.
Anyone can be a hero
The difference is...
While anyone can be a hero, only those who act for those truly good deeds can be heros. They actually did do something, rather than leaving themselves at just "potential," you know?
Me:yeah,but you see
it doesn't take something profound
to forgive.. it's all it takes..
to forgive others.
to forgive people for being human
because humans make mistakes,especially out of not knowing
but we can't blame them for being born one way or another
Her:Making mistakes is the only way we learn.
not only that
but people blame other people for what they know to be true
it's so illogical
people are raised a certain way,not because they chose to be,it's not like they chose to be born into their shoes,their perspective
so if people are rude,they call me crazy,or you
they were taught that by somebody who had learned it,and they learned to trust those who taught it
that's not their fault,either..
and we can't hate people for not forgiving
because they just don't know..
but if we don't forgive when we know we have the choice..
that's a sin we will upon ourselves.. we reject humanity
and even I have trouble forgiving myself.
but this is why.. we can save the world
we just have to teach people something that's already in all their holy books
the action of love. forgiveness
open their eyes to what it really is~!
My friend,did you know anger is a choice?
Her:....I never thought of it that way.
pain creates anger naturally
when we don't realize what it is
a defense mechanism against hurt
same with apathy
Never thought of it that way, either.
Me:but if we realize it,when we start feeling those things,we can take a step back
we can make the choice,because we realize we have the power :D
and that's why there's hope for people
it's true that
eventually our species may go extinct
perhaps by our own hands,perhaps from some mistake,perhaps not
but the longer we prolong our existence
the longer we promote love,forgiveness,the less we will have to suffer when eventually we do go extinct,because you know how I said we are all energy?
Me:well,eventually the energy will go back into the universe and circulate through reactions until it manifests into a state of consciouness
Her:Caps lock was on.
Me:it's okay,I figured xD
and once it does..
we'll exist in a state of knowing unique to that type of.. being
if we were a tree,we'd have the awareness of a tree
if we were an animal,we'd have the awareness of an animal
human,the same,we'd exist in the body of that human.. live life,experience emotions because of others
the more love we're shown,the happier life we'll lead. if humans all died,we'd have to painstakingly tredge through the whole evolutionary process again just to reach an equivalent point
because energy always exists.
law of conservation,of our universe,of the state of perception we exist in
I'm not so good at the whole "theory of life" thing. I'm lucky it's not that hard in bio righ tnow.
Well, I gtg
Me:well,this whole revelation came with the drawing of the mandala
Her:Finishing HW.
The Dream
Friend #2:hey
thanks for taking part in the birthday surprise thingy
I don't feel I should be thanked
it was mainly Andrew
Friend#2:im thanking everyone
but im going thank him a bunchhh
Me:well,no problem,then
Friend #2: what's up?
trying to interpret this bizarre dream I had last night
Friend #2:aw
I see
Me:it was.. interesting
it involved prom,too
Friend #2:woah
I decided to go
ew school organiziation
well,good for you :)
Friend #2:are you going?
you should
what was your dream about?
unless it's personal
it started out with searching for a dress
I was not a happy person
I hate shopping for clothes
I eventually get a black one,that I hate
Friend #2:aw
Me:I go to the dance,and nobody is even dancing
for some reason
people from band,like Jordan,are playing jazz
just improvising in the middle of the dance floor.
Friend #2:lollll
Me:it made no sense.. they weren't in jazz band,and everybody was
happy,but I wasn't
there was somebody I was supposed to be there with I think,but
I didn't want to be there at all. I just.. left,after staring out the
window up into the sky
I changed out of my dress and went outside,and my dad was
supposed to pic me up at 2am in the morning
Friend #2: :(
Me:I decided to go to the store,because I had some money,but I didn't want anything.. I think I stole some flower seeds
randomly o.o
Friend #2:O_o
Me:(I don't steal in rl,it was weird)
Friend #2:what are flower seeds
Me:just flower seeds.. seeds for flowers in those little packets..
Friend #2:lolol
so random
Me:yeah.. but then I go outside,back to the school and
I'm about to drive off in my dad's car,and they're doing
searches of peoples' vehicles
for drugs,and checking drivers for intoxication
I open up the truck to place my dress in their,and I see beer
>_> from my dad
and I was like "f***", so I decided to just pretend it wasn't there
and close the truck,and I figured since I wasn't intoxicated I
could play it off
and then right as I was about to close the truck,a police officer
said "what's in that can,ma'am?"
I tried to say it was a soda,before they got close enough to
see,but then they asked to see it and I was like fml..
so I go arrested,though as I was being handcuffed,I tried to
explain it was my father's,and that they could test my breath
for alcohol,and I could prove I wasn't drunk
and they tested my breath,and I was like .000587%,and they
believed me,however,I still got arrested
and the guy,he apologized,saying it's standard procedure,and
I said.. "it's okay.. I know." and I forgave him for it
but then.. my dad came,and he was pissed off because this was
happening to me,and it happened while I had his car
and he started yelling at the police officer with my
mom,swearing,generally hating,because they thought it was
so stupid that I was being arrested.. and I wanted to cry,I kept
telling them to stop yelling at the police officer.. it wasn't his
fault,he was just doing his job.. he had to do it for his
family,to bring home a paycheck.. and the officer
Friend #2:omh
Me:he was actually just a really nice guy
Friend #2:such a detailed dream
I NEVER remember my dreams so preciseley
Friend #2:yeah
I gotta go
I'll bbl
Friend #2:dinner
if ittinues
you can keep writing your dream
I just don't want to be annoying with it
Friend #2:you don't have to
it's interesting
I won't worry as much ;3
Me:well.. so then it continues,and my parents continue yelling at him,and at this point I felt like I was personally being attack as the police officer was,because he was just another kind hearted human who was simply trying to get by.. I knew. I
knew they shouldn't blame him.. eventually,their arguing does
no good,and I am sent to jail and put in a cell..(oh yeah,this
whole time,it was raining,in the middle of the night,and dark
clouds hung above us)
Me:I was alone in the cell,left to think about what had happened..
left to wonder about the true implications and symbolism of
what they had done. I recognized that I identified with the
officer because I had been in his position,and that people like
my parents around the world,the people who wouldn't listen
and couldn't understand, caused the people like me so much
Me:it made me sad,but it reminded me what I had to do in my
life. the same thing I know I have to do in my waking life.. I
just kept thinking about God,and was in a consistent state of
spiritual contemplation.. "What to do? What can I do to make
a difference? How can I help the way people are destroying
each other without even realizing what they're doing? How
can I connect with others on a personal level to make them feel
like this is something that pertains to them,even if they don't
realize how much it truly does?"
Me:eventually I was released from solitary confinement,and I
realized how people like me had been locked up for the same
good intentions and mistakes.. so I went with my grandma to
the store as she and my mom continued to talk about how
ashamed they were of me.. how this was my fault,that I was
likely lying,just like all the police officers had thought besides
the kind one..
how I was just another teenager,and I wandered alone
through a shop in some foreign mall filled with clothes.. there
were few customers..
Me:I went with my mother to this shop where they burned incense
as a method of healing.. and I chose the essence of divinity..
something that was supposed to help me reacher a higher
state of understanding,consciousness,and objective awareness
of the connectivity we all share.. my mom didn't understand
why I didn't pick one of the more pleasantly smelling
candles/incenses to burn
for some reason,the shop owner was my English teacher,and
she suggested I pick scent of hibiscus o.o
I declined, and also drank this weird smoothie made of grass
and herbs,that were supposed to promote health and
intelligence,though it did taste bad
I leave the mall,growing tired by my grandmother and mom
complaining (it's nightfall once again) and I notice a prison..
many strangers are gathered around gossiping.. about the
girl trapped inside on a high level in solitary confinement
herself.. I looked at her and I knew who she was
she was the same as me,except she was shrouded in darkness..
she had this sardonic smile,and he hair covered her face..
the strangers said she commited unspeakable crimes,that she
was the worst.. horrible human,disgusting
they all ridiculed her,said how she deserved to be locked up
forever,so I wondered what the crime was.. though..
I had this feeling she didn't really do anything bad. I could
feel it like she and I shared this emotional bond.. that we were
the same
they said she tried to pretend she was jesus.. and that she had
commited the crime of crucifying herself
Friend #2:omg
that's most intense dream
I've ever been told
Me:it's not
they hated her,seriously,every single person in that crowd
hated her with this intensity.. I was despairing over it,for I felt
waves of it,too
and the girl
I saw her hands.. she was bleeding to death
she really was crucified.. and I was thinking.. I thought..
"How could somebody possibly crucify themself?!"
I knew.. I knew they were wrong,then... just like they were
wrong about me,and the officer,and that the whole world was
against me
and the prison.. it caught on fire
and they..
let it burn..
they let her burn
and they said "good riddance! the whore deserves to go to
hell,and burn there after she is done burning here!"
I knew I'd be that girl one day
Friend #2:O___O
Me:but I still.. forgave them
and that was the purpose I knew I had
see,by forgiving them.. I'm taking that hatred.. so it's not
I'm showing the action of love,even if they couldn't appreciate
and I know.. that type of thing is the only thing that can break
the cycle of hatred..
Friend #2: :/
Me:but it's necessary.. because..
we're all the same in spirit
some of that energy might end up in one body and some in the
other,but truly,we're all the same..
we do the best we know
Me:and that's why.. I know I have to make a difference.. i have to
find a way to help people see what their mindless actions can
do when they don't take the time to forgive
Me:do you see how I see it will just continue? do you see the
purpose others would condemn me for here? I didn't know the
dream would speak in a way others would understand
does it make sense?
every single thing I said here was exactly as it happened in my
dream. I didn't add anything
Me:lol,I hadn't even planned on actually asking if it made sense
of anything.. or tying it in to real life,but that was how it..
seems to relate now,when I think about the whole of it. I
didn't even think it would come out so fluidly
Friend #2: lolol
yeah it makes sense
Me: actually,this kind of thing is what I keep in my journals,too
I write about dreams,and my perception of things like this
that happen irl
among other things.. ways I may be able to make a
difference,improve myself,teach things indirectly,protray a
message beautifully,and use tools like poetry or simplicity.. so
people can understand me,and I can better understand them
I just don't.. show that side of me much through my actual
spoken words
people don't have the patience or the respect when I'm left st-
st-stuttering.. y'know?
thanks for taking part in the birthday surprise thingy
I don't feel I should be thanked
it was mainly Andrew
Friend#2:im thanking everyone
but im going thank him a bunchhh
Me:well,no problem,then
Friend #2: what's up?
trying to interpret this bizarre dream I had last night
Friend #2:aw
I see
Me:it was.. interesting
it involved prom,too
Friend #2:woah
I decided to go
ew school organiziation
well,good for you :)
Friend #2:are you going?
you should
what was your dream about?
unless it's personal
it started out with searching for a dress
I was not a happy person
I hate shopping for clothes
I eventually get a black one,that I hate
Friend #2:aw
Me:I go to the dance,and nobody is even dancing
for some reason
people from band,like Jordan,are playing jazz
just improvising in the middle of the dance floor.
Friend #2:lollll
Me:it made no sense.. they weren't in jazz band,and everybody was
happy,but I wasn't
there was somebody I was supposed to be there with I think,but
I didn't want to be there at all. I just.. left,after staring out the
window up into the sky
I changed out of my dress and went outside,and my dad was
supposed to pic me up at 2am in the morning
Friend #2: :(
Me:I decided to go to the store,because I had some money,but I didn't want anything.. I think I stole some flower seeds
randomly o.o
Friend #2:O_o
Me:(I don't steal in rl,it was weird)
Friend #2:what are flower seeds
Me:just flower seeds.. seeds for flowers in those little packets..
Friend #2:lolol
so random
Me:yeah.. but then I go outside,back to the school and
I'm about to drive off in my dad's car,and they're doing
searches of peoples' vehicles
for drugs,and checking drivers for intoxication
I open up the truck to place my dress in their,and I see beer
>_> from my dad
and I was like "f***", so I decided to just pretend it wasn't there
and close the truck,and I figured since I wasn't intoxicated I
could play it off
and then right as I was about to close the truck,a police officer
said "what's in that can,ma'am?"
I tried to say it was a soda,before they got close enough to
see,but then they asked to see it and I was like fml..
so I go arrested,though as I was being handcuffed,I tried to
explain it was my father's,and that they could test my breath
for alcohol,and I could prove I wasn't drunk
and they tested my breath,and I was like .000587%,and they
believed me,however,I still got arrested
and the guy,he apologized,saying it's standard procedure,and
I said.. "it's okay.. I know." and I forgave him for it
but then.. my dad came,and he was pissed off because this was
happening to me,and it happened while I had his car
and he started yelling at the police officer with my
mom,swearing,generally hating,because they thought it was
so stupid that I was being arrested.. and I wanted to cry,I kept
telling them to stop yelling at the police officer.. it wasn't his
fault,he was just doing his job.. he had to do it for his
family,to bring home a paycheck.. and the officer
Friend #2:omh
Me:he was actually just a really nice guy
Friend #2:such a detailed dream
I NEVER remember my dreams so preciseley
Friend #2:yeah
I gotta go
I'll bbl
Friend #2:dinner
if ittinues
you can keep writing your dream
I just don't want to be annoying with it
Friend #2:you don't have to
it's interesting
I won't worry as much ;3
Me:well.. so then it continues,and my parents continue yelling at him,and at this point I felt like I was personally being attack as the police officer was,because he was just another kind hearted human who was simply trying to get by.. I knew. I
knew they shouldn't blame him.. eventually,their arguing does
no good,and I am sent to jail and put in a cell..(oh yeah,this
whole time,it was raining,in the middle of the night,and dark
clouds hung above us)
Me:I was alone in the cell,left to think about what had happened..
left to wonder about the true implications and symbolism of
what they had done. I recognized that I identified with the
officer because I had been in his position,and that people like
my parents around the world,the people who wouldn't listen
and couldn't understand, caused the people like me so much
Me:it made me sad,but it reminded me what I had to do in my
life. the same thing I know I have to do in my waking life.. I
just kept thinking about God,and was in a consistent state of
spiritual contemplation.. "What to do? What can I do to make
a difference? How can I help the way people are destroying
each other without even realizing what they're doing? How
can I connect with others on a personal level to make them feel
like this is something that pertains to them,even if they don't
realize how much it truly does?"
Me:eventually I was released from solitary confinement,and I
realized how people like me had been locked up for the same
good intentions and mistakes.. so I went with my grandma to
the store as she and my mom continued to talk about how
ashamed they were of me.. how this was my fault,that I was
likely lying,just like all the police officers had thought besides
the kind one..
how I was just another teenager,and I wandered alone
through a shop in some foreign mall filled with clothes.. there
were few customers..
Me:I went with my mother to this shop where they burned incense
as a method of healing.. and I chose the essence of divinity..
something that was supposed to help me reacher a higher
state of understanding,consciousness,and objective awareness
of the connectivity we all share.. my mom didn't understand
why I didn't pick one of the more pleasantly smelling
candles/incenses to burn
for some reason,the shop owner was my English teacher,and
she suggested I pick scent of hibiscus o.o
I declined, and also drank this weird smoothie made of grass
and herbs,that were supposed to promote health and
intelligence,though it did taste bad
I leave the mall,growing tired by my grandmother and mom
complaining (it's nightfall once again) and I notice a prison..
many strangers are gathered around gossiping.. about the
girl trapped inside on a high level in solitary confinement
herself.. I looked at her and I knew who she was
she was the same as me,except she was shrouded in darkness..
she had this sardonic smile,and he hair covered her face..
the strangers said she commited unspeakable crimes,that she
was the worst.. horrible human,disgusting
they all ridiculed her,said how she deserved to be locked up
forever,so I wondered what the crime was.. though..
I had this feeling she didn't really do anything bad. I could
feel it like she and I shared this emotional bond.. that we were
the same
they said she tried to pretend she was jesus.. and that she had
commited the crime of crucifying herself
Friend #2:omg
that's most intense dream
I've ever been told
Me:it's not
they hated her,seriously,every single person in that crowd
hated her with this intensity.. I was despairing over it,for I felt
waves of it,too
and the girl
I saw her hands.. she was bleeding to death
she really was crucified.. and I was thinking.. I thought..
"How could somebody possibly crucify themself?!"
I knew.. I knew they were wrong,then... just like they were
wrong about me,and the officer,and that the whole world was
against me
and the prison.. it caught on fire
and they..
let it burn..
they let her burn
and they said "good riddance! the whore deserves to go to
hell,and burn there after she is done burning here!"
I knew I'd be that girl one day
Friend #2:O___O
Me:but I still.. forgave them
and that was the purpose I knew I had
see,by forgiving them.. I'm taking that hatred.. so it's not
I'm showing the action of love,even if they couldn't appreciate
and I know.. that type of thing is the only thing that can break
the cycle of hatred..
Friend #2: :/
Me:but it's necessary.. because..
we're all the same in spirit
some of that energy might end up in one body and some in the
other,but truly,we're all the same..
we do the best we know
Me:and that's why.. I know I have to make a difference.. i have to
find a way to help people see what their mindless actions can
do when they don't take the time to forgive
Me:do you see how I see it will just continue? do you see the
purpose others would condemn me for here? I didn't know the
dream would speak in a way others would understand
does it make sense?
every single thing I said here was exactly as it happened in my
dream. I didn't add anything
Me:lol,I hadn't even planned on actually asking if it made sense
of anything.. or tying it in to real life,but that was how it..
seems to relate now,when I think about the whole of it. I
didn't even think it would come out so fluidly
Friend #2: lolol
yeah it makes sense
Me: actually,this kind of thing is what I keep in my journals,too
I write about dreams,and my perception of things like this
that happen irl
among other things.. ways I may be able to make a
difference,improve myself,teach things indirectly,protray a
message beautifully,and use tools like poetry or simplicity.. so
people can understand me,and I can better understand them
I just don't.. show that side of me much through my actual
spoken words
people don't have the patience or the respect when I'm left st-
st-stuttering.. y'know?
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